29 May 2015

What's Up Wednesday

Two days late... :)

I am linking up with Mel, Shay, and Sheaffer to do the What's Up Wednesday post. I saw this on a blog and thought it was super cute.

What We're Eating This Week

Monday- Tri Tip, sweet potato and bell pepper hash from SevenlayerCharlotte (minus the egg), and grilled asparagus
Tuesday- Homemade pizza using the Trader Joe's pizza dough. SOOO good! We also made a replica of Sammy's Woodfire Pizza's chopped chicken salad
Wednesday- We ate at Buffalo Wild Wings because it was a busy night. 
Thursday- Command Dinner at Stone Brewery
Friday- no idea yet because I won't be home until super late.
**We usually cook way more but it's a crazy week**

What I'm Reminiscing About 

Our trip to Virginia Beach and Washington D.C. last fall. We had such an amazing time visiting the Hentschel fam and taking in all the sights in D.C. We were more relaxed than we have been in a long time.  I think I am just really missing Kayla and the rest of the Hentschels and also just being on vacation. So many great memories from that trip.

What I am Loving

Having my hubby home! YAY! 
Also, the Tone It Up workouts. School has been so crazy for me this past month and I have barely been able to go to Orange Theory Fitness (which is where I normally workout). I love the Tone It Up website and the fact that they post weekly schedules with videos and printables that are easy to follow. Even when I can't make a full class at OTF I at least know I can quickly do a 15 minute leg or kettle bell workout. Plus Karena and Katrina are seriously the cutest and looking at their abs immediately makes you want to workout haha.

What We've Been Up To

School, school, and more school. This is such a busy time of year because we have Open House, a field trip, the last assignment for BTSA, classroom awards, ice cream parties, Celebration of Learning, etc. I am looking forward to the end of the year but I will miss this class dearly.
Mark and I spent Monday lounging after the Memorial Day ceremony. We built a floor fort, watched a movie, and drank mimosas. It was so much fun! 
Last night we went to the Command dinner at Stone Brewery. I wasn't really looking forward to it but it was actually a lot of fun. We played corn hole and hung out with Emily and James, which is always a great time!

What I'm Dreading

Moving classrooms next week :( It's like packing up a house but with tons and tons of heavy books. I know that people at school will help us, thank the Lord, but it's still a lot to think about right now. Hopefully the moving process goes quickly and it's not too hot when we actually start moving things. 

What I'm Working On

My best friend Katie's shower is on June 14th so I'm working on getting everything crafted and organized. The theme is a BABY-Q (BBQ) and everything is made with gingham, plaid, and chalkboards. I don't want to give away too many details in case she is reading this :) My mom and I have been working hard to finalize details and I will be crafting a bunch this week too. It's been so much fun to plan!

What I am Looking Forward To Next Month

I am soooo looking forward to our trip up the coast in less than a month. It's so nice to get away and just spend time with each other. Even though Mark has been home for over a month I am still working, so I can't spend a ton of time with him. When we leave for our trip I'll be done with school. WOOT WOOT! We are going to Disneyland, Santa Barbara, Monterey, and San Fran. I can barely contain my excitement!

What I'm Watching/ Reading/ Listening to

I'm still loving Game of Thrones this season, even though not much as happened. We always watch it on Monday nights after dinner and I look forward to it all day :)

I am currently listening to Taya Kyle's American Wife: A Memoir of Love, War, Faith, and Renewal. *Audiobooks save me on my LONG drive home. I read American Sniper so I was super interested to hear Taya's version of their life together. It's pretty good so far and I love that it's actually her voice reading the book. 
I am in the need of a new book to read. I started We Were Liars by E. Lockhart a few months ago.  I'm halfway through but just can't get into it. I think I might read Mary Kay Andrews new book called Beach Town. It sounds like a perfect summer time read. 
Click Here for the synopsis 
Also, Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll looks pretty intriguing. 
Click here for the synopsis

What I'm Wearing

I just ordered this tile print dress and these Sam Edelman sandals from Nordstrom. I have been eyeing these sandals for months and finally decided to buy them. So far I am loving them! The dress is super cute as well but I had to buy a backless (sticky) bra to go with it. It's low on the sides so that makes wearing a normal bra tricky. 

25 May 2015

Mission Trails

Hiking with the Hubby
On Saturday we went hiking in Mission Trails. It was a beautiful day with a mixture of sunshine and being a little overcast. There were a ton of people out hiking with their pups but Mark took me to an area that wasn't very busy. I am a HUGE fan of walks so I was pretty excited when our hike consisted of mostly walking on flat ground. It was just so peaceful and relaxing. Every time we head out to Mission Trails I'm reminded of how much I love it out there. It would be awesome to live so close to so many trails but my commute would possibly be longer. Yikes, no thanks.  I'm hoping we go back again soon.

We headed back home so I could get some stuff done around the house. I also wanted to try out my friend Emily's Smores bar recipe. I completely forgot to take pictures, darn it! They turned out pretty well but not as good as Emily's. They taste like a cookie with Smores ingredients mixed in. Super rich. We then went to the Tavern in Coronado for a date night, followed by seeing Age of Adaline at North Island. I love seeing movies on base since they are free and the movie snacks are super inexpensive. Also, if you haven't been to the Tavern, you should definitely check it out. We had fresh mozzarella bites, a wedge salad, and the roasted chicken that had a honey reduction on top, All of it was soooo yummy. Such a fun day with my hubby!

17 May 2015

Baseball, Brews, and Family Time

A few weekends ago we headed to Vegas to visit family and friends. Mark had some time off and he wanted to spend some time with everyone, since he hasn't seen them since he got back. He went down a few days early to hang with his brother to play golf... lots of golf! I met him there on Friday night and headed straight to the ball game from the airport. Thanks again to Katie for picking me up! Katie and I hit traffic on the way to the game and ended up making it just in time to see Chasen pitch. There were a ton of people in the "Bradford Fan Club" section and it was really nice to see everyone. We spent the rest of the night catching up with friends and having a few beers.

The next morning we headed Egg Works with my parents and Lauren. We spent the rest of the day mostly hanging by the pool at my parents house, having (yet) a couple beers and just relaxing. My dad and Mark spent a lot of time talking golf, watching golf, and practicing golf. Are you noticing a theme with golf since Mark got back? Obsessed :) That night we watched the Mayweather v. Pacquiao fight. Super disappointing outcome, but other than that we had a great time at the Johnson's house.

We were supposed to drive home that next morning but we realized that the traffic was going to be awful because of the fight. We ended up booking me a flight for Sunday night and Mark drove back on Monday with the pups. We were able to go to the baseball game on Sunday afternoon with the Haneys, Katie & Breyen, Lauren, and my parents. It was the perfect weather for some baseball and we got to see Chasen pitch again so win win! We ended the night at a new Pizza place in Green Valley Ranch that was super delicious. Such a fun weekend!

16 May 2015

HipCooks Cooking Class

A few months ago I took a cooking class at HipCooks with my friend Ashley to celebrate my birthday. We took a Tapas class and we had a great time. I loved learning some new cooking techniques and trying out the new recipes. I've been dying to take another class but they fill up so fast. I convinced my friend Emily to plan a date night out with our guys to go to a class. It was a drinks and appetizers class so I knew we could convince the guys with the drinks part. I was right... they had a great time!

We learned to make bruschetta with prosciutto and mascarpone cheese, raw stuffed mushrooms, a tomato flatbread with a balsamic reduction, gazpacho in cucumber cups, goat cheese and avocado wontons, and infused chocolate. We also made three different drinks and had two infused shots. Holy moly there was a lot of alcohol! It was fun, but too much mixing of different kinds of liquor. I think the guys liked loved the drinks! And if all those drinks weren't enough we ended the night with a beer at Belching Beaver Brewery. We were all in bed super early. Apparently we I can't hang anymore. 
Overall the class was great and I highly recommend checking out their class schedule.  I will for sure take another class! 

He's Home

After 5 1/2 months he is finally home! It's been so amazing to have my other half back, even though I have to work and can't just be at home with him everyday. Which is what I really want to do haha. We spent the first few weeks getting back into a routine, doing projects around the house, and eating at all the places Mark missed.