The Five on Friday posts are my favorite. They are just a little glimpse into the week of the blogger and the things they are loving. Not only is Friday one of the best days of the week (it's almost the weekend woot woot) but most of my favorite blogs post on this day! YAY! Anyways here we go...
1. Astronaut Wives Club
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Watch it Here |
I have been binge watching this show for the past week. My friend Ashley told me about the book and that the show would be starting this summer but I never got a chance to read/ watch it. Since Mark is gone for work this week I finally decided to watch an episode. Needless to say I got hooked pretty quickly! I love this time period and I find the whole NASA program fascinating! It seems a lot like the military life that we experience as wives (with some notable differences lol) so I feel like I can relate with them about some things. I plan on starting the book soon! Anyone else watch the show?? It's on ABC on Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. and I highly recommend it!
2. Pink Prayer Bracelets
I ordered a few of these bracelets this week after reading the post about them on Cheers: Y'all (one of my favorite blogs). The proceeds benefit a little girl, Charlotte, who is suffering from Meconium Aspiration Syndrome. I don't know the family personally but her story has touched me. The money will help the family with hospital bills during this tough time. I love seeing people who step out to support each other, especially during times when hope seems so meek. Not only are these bracelets adorable (that's just a bonus) but they are great prayer reminders.
3. My "Statement Piece" (as Mark would call it)
My mother in law got me this cute necklace and I finally found the perfect outfit to wear it with. This is a terrible picture and you can't see that I'm wearing peachy/ pink colored pants to match but you can at least see the necklace lol. The necklace is from Charming Charlie's, which is a great store for inexpensive accessories. I've found really cute purses here in the past as well!
4. Born This Way foundation
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Too Faced Born This Way Foundation |
I am always on the hunt for the perfect foundation. I like light- medium coverage foundation that lasts all day, keeps me semi-matte, and looks natural. This is hard to find because most mattifying foundations don't look natural and most light coverage foundations don't stay all day. Also, finding the perfect color is always a challenge! I watch a bunch of Beauty Gurus on YouTube and I'm constantly trying foundations they suggest. A few of them mentioned the Born This Way foundation by Too Faced saying it was awesome. I checked a few different bases in San Diego to see if they had it and finally found it in Coronado. I love that the NEX has so many options for make up! I have been using the Born This Way foundation for over a week now and I love it. I still get a little shiny throughout the day but I think that just has to do with the fact that it's been super hot and humid here lately. The foundation looks very natural. You can still see freckles and small imperfections through it, which I like. I don't want it to look like I layered a bunch of paint on my face lol. The website says it's medium to full coverage but I think that's just if you build it up. It doesn't appear heavy at all. It's a little pricey at $39 but I find that most high(er)-end foundations are around this price point. It has really good ingredients and promotes hydrated skin without an oily appearance. It also has Alpine Rose in it which brightens the skins appearance, which is always a bonus! There are a ton of colors to choose from and right now I am using Natural Beige. I'll be purchasing a lighter color for the fall. I definitely recommend trying it out!
5. New Favorite Drink
I am a total soda lover... I know I know, it's terrible for you. I stopped drinking it in January while I did the Whole30 and I haven't had mush since. Don't get me wrong, I crave it all the time but I just know I shouldn't drink it. I drink water all day long but sometimes I just need a little something different. I've tried infusing my water before and I feel like it never stays cold enough so the fruit gets a little yucky. Plus it isn't very convenient. While I was at Mark's uncle's house a few weeks ago, his cousin Grace introduced us to the Spindrift Seltzer with raspberries and fresh squeezed lime. It tastes like it could be a soda, minus all the junk that's hidden in them. They are SOOOOO good! Mark is hooked too! We get ours at Trader Joes and I haven't found them anywhere else yet. If you find them somewhere else let me know :)
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