Holy moly that was a busy weekend! I felt like it flew by and I can't believe it's Monday already! I had such a wonderful time getting to see a bunch of friends and my family but man oh man I'm tired haha. I'll try to do a quick recap since I know I can get a little wordy. :) Here we go...
My latte and my book... all set for the flight! |
My weekend started Thursday night when I got on my flight to Reno. My good friends Stacee and Matt picked me up and we headed out to grab a late dinner. We stayed up for a couple hours chatty and catching up. I love that no matter how long it's been since I've seen them it always feels so comfortable and natural when we do get together. Love you both and thank you for taking care of me this weekend :)
The view from Matt and Stacee's house |
Friday morning we headed up to Tahoe to have lunch and get ready for Liz and Rob's wedding. Our hotel was so stinking cute and the views were seriously incredible! I love going to Reno/ Tahoe. It always feels like I am going home.
The beautiful bride and her dad |
Jack is seriously adorable |
Chelsea and me |
My date Stacee :) |
Isn't this breathtaking?? |
Waiting for the ceremony to start |
The next morning Stacee and I grabbed bagels and coffee before Chels and Steve picked me up to head back to Reno. It was POURING rain so it was a little bit scary driving home. We made it in one piece :) Thank the Lord! I had to get completely ready for the wedding I was going to later on in the day in Vegas before I got on my flight. I managed to get myself together, spend a little time with Haley and Chels, then headed to the airport. My flight was terrifying because of the weather in Reno and in Vegas, so I was super anxious to get off the plane. Finally, my luggage came and Mark picked me up so we could head to the wedding. We changed at a gas station since I had Mark's suit and didn't wear my dress on the plane. We are classy people haha :) We made it to the wedding on time so I was super happy. I had booked a flight that got in at 3:00 and the wedding was at 4:15. Such a small amount of time but it worked out in the end!
Bagel place in Homewood |
The wedding was so beautiful and Britany looked stunning! Kevin looked very handsome too :) It was so fun to see another two of our friends get married and I am so happy that we were there to celebrate with them. Here is a picture dump from the night... Sorry, some of the pics are a little blurry, whoops!
So glad that we were able to go to the wedding together :) |
Brittney and I being goofy |
Blurry pic but you get the idea :) |
Jeff and Mark |
My handsome date |
On Sunday, I got to spend a little time with my parents. We went to breakfast with them and also with my brother, my brother-in-law, and my mother-in-law. Afterwards we packed up our bags and headed out. I think the dogs are going to be sad when we get home and they realize their puppy-cousins aren't there lol. They love to play together and even Oliver tried to get in the action.
Copper, Bentley, and Oliver |
We hit some pretty bad traffic on the way home and the weather was super weird. It rained a ton and then actually hailed on us. Crazy! It took us about 7 hours to get home which stinks. It gets longer and longer every time. :(
I had a great weekend and it was seriously a whirlwind! I am so happy to be home with my hubby and to be sleeping in my own bed tonight. I'm ready to tackle the week and I'm praying for this cooler weather to stay :) I hope you all had a blessed weekend! Happy Monday!
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