29 November 2015

A BIG Weekend Recap

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving... I know we did :) Minus the fact that Mark came down with pneumonia on Thanksgiving day. Poor guy... he's had a rough week and a half! The weekend technically started on Tuesday afternoon because I didn't have work for the rest of the week. It was sooo nice to such a long weekend!

On Wednesday morning Lauren (my MIL) and Mark's brother, Chase, came in town. We went to lunch at Seaport Village because it's one of Lauren's favorite places in San Diego. We also went to Coronado to get some gifts for a couple people and then headed home to relax.

Mark's planner and my planner.... very different lol

I made Honey Lime Enchiladas on Wednesday night. SO YUMMY!
On Thursday morning I headed to the track to workout before I stuffed my face :) It was such a perfect morning to workout outside... super overcast and cold. I loved it!

We made our side dishes to take to the Wooster's house. I made roasted brussel sprouts with a balsamic reduction and Lauren made a sweet potato casserole. Yum! We headed up to the Wooster's house to spend Thanksgiving dinner with Mark's family. It was a nice and relaxing time filled with delicious food. The Wooster ladies know what they are doing :)

I documented Collin cooking :) He did a great job on his green bean casserole that he made from scratch!

Laura made these... She's so creative!

On Friday, the boys went golfing super early and we headed to Target for a little shopping. I wasn't in the Black Friday mood this year. I actually like the craziness of the black Friday morning but I think I like it more for the tradition of going with my mom than I do the actual shopping. Target wasn't too busy when we got there. I finally found some black boots and they were 40 percent off, which was a bonus and that was about it for Black Friday purchases. Lame lol. We spent the rest of the day watching movies at the house then went to Coasterra for an appetizer before Lauren and Chase headed to the airport. I have been there 3 times in the last week and a half lol. I guess I like it! We ordered guacamole and they actually make it at the table. So fun!

After we dropped them off at the airport we went and saw the movie Brooklyn. Seriously adorable movie and Mark even liked it!

A beautiful building on the way to the movie
On Saturday, we headed to Palm Springs to watch my brother play lacrosse. Originally we were supposed to go there on Friday morning and stay for the weekend. Since Mark went back to the doctor and found out he had pneumonia we decided to just wait and see how he was doing. Then my parents decided to leave Saturday (after the games) since they didn't have games on Sunday. The weekend kind of got messed up but it was still fun to head out there for the day. I was glad we got to see them for a little bit :) The drive was absolutely beautiful even though I wanted to throw up most of the way lol. I get super car sick!

There is a puppy butt in the background lol 

Lil bro

My dad and mom

We stopped at Dairy Queen :)

Sunday was a pretty lazy day. I slept in after staying up way to late watching the movie Now You See Me... I love that movie! We went to breakfast at Wonderland to watch the Chargers game. Sometimes I forget about how lucky we are to live in San Diego. It's so beautiful!!

Multi-grain pancakes with pineapple compote and crushed macadamia nuts

Chorizo scramble with home fries

The rest of the day was spent running errands, working out, doing laundry, browsing cyber Monday deals :), and making dinner. I'm excited to see my students tomorrow and my work friends :) but I am not excited about my 5:15 wake up call! I am going to try to get up 15 minutes earlier so I can have some quiet time with my Bible in the morning. I am NOT a morning person but I know it's important and I need to make time. Let's see how it goes tomorrow :) Have a great day and come back tomorrow for a gift guide for her :)

27 November 2015

Five on Friday

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope that you had a great day with your loved ones and that you have today off work! We are heading to Palm Springs tomorrow to see my brother play lacrosse and to hang out with my parents. I can't wait! I haven't decided yet if I am going to go Black Friday shopping. To brave the crowds or to not brave the crowds?? Anyways... as always I'm linking up with AprilNatashaChristinaKarliErikaNarci, and Andrea. Happy Friday!!

One- Being a Tourist 

Mark's mom and brother came into town on Wednesday and we played "tourist" for the day. We went to Seaport Village to have lunch and to walk around the little shops. It was a beautiful day! Then we headed to Coronado to walk around a bit and to go to Bull Shirt. It was a super low key and relaxing day. 

Two- Updated Fall Bucket List

Since fall is coming to an end I thought I would update you on my Fall Bucket list. Sadly we weren't able to carve pumpkins this year. This was one of the things I was most excited about but it just didn't happen because of timing. However we did get to a bunch of other fun things! We put together two super awesome costumes and watched a Harry Potter movie together. 

I tried a few different pumpkin ales and made chili three times this past month. I love trying new chili recipes but the Pioneer Woman's Chipotle Chili is still my favorite. Jenna, Stephanie, Jen, and I had a girls night and made caramel apples that were so yummy! I also donated to a food drive which is always a great thing. :)

Three- Hawaiian Sliders

I made these last weekend when Mark was sick with the flu. I wanted to make something hearty for Mark to eat and something besides soup lol. I used this recipe and they turned out soooo good! I also made Against All Grain's sweet potato fries. Yum!

Four- Day Date

Mark and I had a day date this past week and it was so nice to just be together. Mark has been so sick so he didn't have a fun weekend at all. It was good to get out of the house and do something just the two of us. We went to Coasterra for happy hour and the views were so amazing! As the sun started to set a layer of fog moved in and half covered the pink in the clouds. So beautiful!

Five- Anastasia Self-Made Palette

I bought this during the VIB sale and I have been loving it! The colors are very different from any other palette I have and I've been experimenting with some smokier looks. I wear pretty neutral eye shadow on an everyday basis but I'm excited for the opportunity to use the plum shade for a night out.   For the price ($35) I think this is a great deal!