31 December 2015

2016 Goals

I always make the same resolutions each year... lose weight, stop eating junk, work out more, blah blah blah. I always attempt to do these things but nothing really sticks. This year I thought if I called them "goals" that it would help me to actually work towards them instead of feeling like I've failed when my weight yo-yo's and I still love chips and dip lol. So here we go... my 2016 goals!

Do something that scares me- 

This one is going to be super hard for me. I get in my comfort-zone and I stay there... forever lol. Just starting my blog and making it public took me months and months. I'm not good at trying new things but this year I want to change that. I already have something in mind and it definitely falls in this category because it scares the heck out of me lol. Stay tuned for more on this :)

Buy a home-

Mark and I have wanted to buy a home for years now but it never seems to be the right time financially. Hopefully, this is the year! Buying a home also falls under the first category because the thought of tying ourselves to something with such a large financial responsibility freaks me out, but I know it will be worth it! 

Read 50 books-

This was actually my goal this past year as well. I only got to 43 books though :( I blame my blog because as soon as I starting focusing my attention on my blog, my reading decreased significantly. The blog is worth it though! :) I'm hoping I meet this goal in 2016.

Drink more water-

This one is self-explanatory. It will help with my headaches and overall health :)

Get more involved at church-

I want to make a bigger effort to be involved at church and to maybe get plugged in with a growth group. Our church doesn't have growth groups so this would mean finding a group at another church. We loved our couples Bible study and something similar to that would be awesome for both Mark and myself. I think it's important to surround yourself with people who help you grow in your faith and we definitely want that to happen this year!

Take better care of my skin-

I have always had a real passion for beauty and skincare but lately I have been neglecting my skin. I just don't take as much time as I used to for masks or other good-for-your-skin products. I recently tried out the Rodan + Fields products and I was super impressed with how they made my skin feel. More on this to come! Also, I'm terrible when it comes to moisturizing my body. I know this sounds dumb but my skin gets so dry that it's painful, so I need to be more proactive about moisturizing.

What are your goals for 2016??


  1. And I thought I was setting a hefty goal with reading 12 new books in 2016! I am a book lover but don't always have the time, glad to find another book lover! Let me know if you find any amazingly good reads!


    1. I think it's a great goal to just want to read more, whether that's one more book or 10 :) If you haven't read the Nightingale by Kristin Hannah I would def. recommend you do! It was my favorite book from 2015

  2. Woah! 50 books?! Good for you, girl!!
    And these are all great goals! I need to work on mine soon :)

