08 December 2015

Christmas Bucket List

Christmas is one of my favorite times of year and I'm sure I'm not alone in this sentiment. There's something so magical about the joy all around and how families and friends come together during this time. I love the traditions that my family has been doing for years and I'm excited to start our own traditions with our little ones (one day).  Here are some of the things that are on my Christmas Bucket List.

1. My class and the other 2nd grade class go Christmas Caroling every year. It's so adorable to hear their sweet voices and I almost always tear up during Silent Night. I can't wait to go this year.

2. I love children's books because I am a teacher, duh lol :) I especially love Christmas stories. Even though the Night Before Christmas isn't about the true meaning of Christmas it's still an adorable book.

3. Every year my church hosts a Christmas Tea. The Sanctuary is transformed to a Christmas wonderland with all different tables decorated with Nativity scenes, Christmas trees, garland, etc. They are also set with beautiful china and tea and finger foods are served. I already attended this and it was so wonderful!

4. I think gift giving is one of the best parts of this time of year. It can bring such joy to someone's day especially when the gift is unexpected.

5. I like to get a new ornament every year. Okay, well sometimes it's much more than one ornament but I specifically buy one that is significant to that year. :) I haven't picked out one yet for 2015 so I am hoping Mark and I can do that when he gets home.

6. My family always watches the National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation on Christmas Eve. I love this movie... it never gets old and seriously cracks me up! I can't wait to watch it with everyone!

7. Who doesn't love hot chocolate? It brings me back to my childhood but is also still such a treat as an adult. I love making it from scratch because it's just that much better!

8. We always attend a Christmas Eve service and my favorite is the candlelight service. It really focuses us back to the real reason for the season... Jesus being born of course! It's just such a special time and the message of His birth is always such a blessing to hear.

9. We usually bake Christmas cookies a few days before Christmas. We make sugar cookies and then frost them. Last year my sister and I did a horrendous job icing them. We need a piping bag or something lol. My mom also makes peanut brittle and fudge. Oh my goodness I can't wait to get my hands on some!

10. "Santa! I know him!!!" Oh my goodness I love the movie Elf so much. I can pretty much quote the entire movie and I'm sure you can too. Last year we dressed up as buddy the Elf at our staff Christmas party. Don't worry we wore jeans instead of tights lol. Great times!

11. As I stated above it's always good to focus back on the real reason for Christmas. Reading the Nativity story is so important on Christmas and being a teacher I have so many beautiful books that do such a great job of relaying this birthday message. Some of my favorites are: Humphrey's First Christmas, Itsy Bitsy Christmas, and the Christmas Baby.

 I am linking up with JessicaAmy, and Alisha for the Bits of Cheer holiday linkup. I'm also linking up with KatiePinky, and Sara for their Countdown to Christmas.  Check out their blogs for more holiday goodness!


  1. I'm seriously stealing everything off this list... except the caroling... because you *really* don't want me to sing.

  2. Haha that's the best part about caroling with kids... they sing LOUD so no one can hear me :)

  3. What a great bucket list. How cute that the lil 2nd graders go caroling, so precious. thanks so much for linking up.

  4. Such a fun list! I need to make ours, too! Thanks for linking up!

  5. Love Christmas caroling! We always went to a huge caroling party growing up and it brings back the best memories :) Christmas tea sounds so fun, too!

    1. The Christmas Tea was so great! It's such an encouraging time and puts you in the Christmas spirit!
