
Weekend Recap

Happy Monday everyone! This weekend definitely did not turn out as planned because I got sick :( If you read my last couple of weekend recaps you know that my hubby was sick with the flu then pneumonia. I thought I had avoided getting sick but on Friday I started to feel a little crappy when I got home and it continued to get worse on Saturday night. I finally went to the doctor on Sunday and I have acute bronchitis :( Boooo! I was feeling so much better yesterday and then I woke up with a fever again today. Ugh so frustrating.  Hopefully the antibiotic will work its magic soon.

 Anyways, let's jump into this Weekend Recap. I apologize for the lack of pictures but like I said I wasn't feeling 100% this weekend.

On Friday, I squeezed in a quick workout and then met my friend Ashley and her baby, Emma, at the outlet mall. We walked around for awhile sipping our coffees and chatting. It was a super low key and relaxing night. Just what I needed :) I got this sweater in forest green and a pair of workout crops at Old Navy. I had some SuperCash to spend :)

On Saturday, I got up early to take my Jeep in to get an oil change. I had canceled my workout for Saturday morning because I started to feel sick on Friday night. I felt better in the morning so I continued with all my errands.... Christmas shopping, groceries, dog groomers, etc. I decided to just veg out for awhile when I got home because my headache and body aches were back. UGH! I made a hot chocolate in my cute new mug because that makes everything better, right? :)

I am LOVING this book that Tracy sent me and of course gotta have my sparkling water

My friend Stephanie and I were planning to go to December Nights at Balboa Park which is a HUGE holiday celebration with food, entertainment, and all the museums in the park are free that night. Since I wasn't feeling that great we decided to just do a dinner and movie instead. I was bored and wanted to get out of the house... in hindsight I should have just stayed in bed and rested. Oh well! We had dinner at California Pizza Kitchen and then saw Love the Coopers. Such a strange movie. It was actually really sad and had some weird parts. I thought it would be funny but I was wrong lol. When I got home I realized that I had a fever and had a pretty rough night trying to sleep.

In the morning, my hubby was texting with me (he's gone for a few weeks on a work trip) and convinced me to go to the doctor. I'm so glad I did because I obviously needed an antibiotic. I felt a lot better for the rest of the day thanks to constant motrin as well. I made yummy shrimp tacos for dinner and watched the Santa Claus. I was trying to just lay low and get better. This is not an opportune time to miss school. There is just so much going on!

I had been planning to attend the Christmas Tea at my church for weeks now and I was going to be devastated if I couldn't go. It's a night where different woman host tables and decorate them with holiday flair and super pretty china. Volunteers serve fun little finger foods to us and we sing Christmas carols and their is always a great speaker. It's just an encouraging and fun night! Thankfully I felt way better and was still able to rally and head to the event. My friend Ashley came with me and I'm so glad she did! Stephanie's mom hosted a table and they did a beautiful job decorating.

Our table :) So beautiful!
 Some of the other tables...

Ashley and me

Stephanie and me

It was such a fun night and definitely put me in the Christmas spirit! I hope you all have a great start to your week!

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