31 December 2015

2016 Goals

I always make the same resolutions each year... lose weight, stop eating junk, work out more, blah blah blah. I always attempt to do these things but nothing really sticks. This year I thought if I called them "goals" that it would help me to actually work towards them instead of feeling like I've failed when my weight yo-yo's and I still love chips and dip lol. So here we go... my 2016 goals!

Do something that scares me- 

This one is going to be super hard for me. I get in my comfort-zone and I stay there... forever lol. Just starting my blog and making it public took me months and months. I'm not good at trying new things but this year I want to change that. I already have something in mind and it definitely falls in this category because it scares the heck out of me lol. Stay tuned for more on this :)

Buy a home-

Mark and I have wanted to buy a home for years now but it never seems to be the right time financially. Hopefully, this is the year! Buying a home also falls under the first category because the thought of tying ourselves to something with such a large financial responsibility freaks me out, but I know it will be worth it! 

Read 50 books-

This was actually my goal this past year as well. I only got to 43 books though :( I blame my blog because as soon as I starting focusing my attention on my blog, my reading decreased significantly. The blog is worth it though! :) I'm hoping I meet this goal in 2016.

Drink more water-

This one is self-explanatory. It will help with my headaches and overall health :)

Get more involved at church-

I want to make a bigger effort to be involved at church and to maybe get plugged in with a growth group. Our church doesn't have growth groups so this would mean finding a group at another church. We loved our couples Bible study and something similar to that would be awesome for both Mark and myself. I think it's important to surround yourself with people who help you grow in your faith and we definitely want that to happen this year!

Take better care of my skin-

I have always had a real passion for beauty and skincare but lately I have been neglecting my skin. I just don't take as much time as I used to for masks or other good-for-your-skin products. I recently tried out the Rodan + Fields products and I was super impressed with how they made my skin feel. More on this to come! Also, I'm terrible when it comes to moisturizing my body. I know this sounds dumb but my skin gets so dry that it's painful, so I need to be more proactive about moisturizing.

What are your goals for 2016??

30 December 2015

2015: Year in Review

This has been such a great year that was jam-packed with traveling back and forth to Vegas, a couple trips to Palm Springs,  and even a long trip up the coast.  I thought it would be fun to highlight some of my favorite pictures/ travels from this year. :)

January/ February

Dina and I went to Palm Springs to visit her Mother-in-law and Will's aunt

Eric Church concert with Ashley

My mom and sister came to visit me for Valentine's day :)

March/ April

Mark is home from deployment :) YAY!

Cooking class with Emily and James

June/ July

Greg's back!!!

Schooooool's out for summer! Trip to Vegas for Katie's shower and Mikey's wedding.

Our trip up the coast starting with Disney!


San Fran

Reno :) Baby Haley

Happy Three Year Anniversary!

August/ September

Baby Davy is born!!!

Baseball, baseball, and more baseball!

Chargers v. Lion's game

October/ November

Disney at Halloween

Britt and Kevin's Wedding

Garth Brooks concert


Christmas Tea


Christmas- See the post here

It was a great year full of traveling, new babies, and weddings. I can't wait to see what 2016 has in store for us! :)

29 December 2015

New Year's Eve Outfit Inspiration

Can you believe New Year's Eve is just a few days away?? I can't! I have no idea what we are doing yet but I'm thinking it will be something low-key. I've rounded up a variety of outfit inspiration for people who might be going out or doing something more on the casual side. 

One- only $29.99! I love the crocheted detail and high neckline of this dress. It's super classic looking but is also flirty and fun!
Two- This sparkly dress is so perfect for New Year's Eve. It's sparkly so what's not to love?? I also love this fun red dress from Express. 
Three- I LOVE this dress! It's super fun with the fitted bodice and flare of the skirt. I would pair this with a leather jacket to add a little edge to this otherwise very girly outfit.

One- This vest is super fun and will warm up any outfit on a night out. I think it would look so cute paired with a sweater or even a plaid. 
Two- This top looks so comfy but still really pretty. I imagine it paired with this statement necklace to dress it up a bit. 
Three- I love this sweater and it comes in so many colors! I think this maroon color is perfect but black is always great as well. I would pair it with this necklace, throw the fur vest on top, and add some black jeans or faux leather leggings. 

I hope you have something fun planned for New Year's, whether that's a night out or a night in with your family. :)

28 December 2015

BIG Week(end) Recap

Happy Monday everyone! This is going to be a BIG week(end) recap since we've been in Vegas all week. We had so much fun with our family during dinners, game nights, bingo, and more. I figured I would include pictures from the entire week. 
Picture dump in 3, 2, 1...

Katie and I at Pinot's Palette

My siblings: Brittany and Dylan

Our Christmas table decor... Find the easy How-to here

The beautiful decor at our church

Merry Christmas Eve with our photo-bombing-doggie

Game Night- great pictures, I know lol

Merry Christmas!!

Early morning selfie

Oli Bear

My mom and mother in law

Lunch at Blaze Pizza with Baby Davy!!!!

He's the cutest... they both are! :)

Hi Greg

the boys 


The ladies and Jeff :)

Mark and Greg have one left!

After my mom won $100 :) woot woot

Terri and Lauren at Pinot's Palette 

My painting

Love her!

My mom's adorable painting

It was a jam-packed week in Vegas and we are so sad to leave today. We loved seeing our family and friends but I am also super happy to be sleeping in my bed tonight! YAY! I hope you all had a great weekend celebrating with your families! :)