
Long Weekend Recap

Happy Tuesday everyone! It's so weird to be writing this so late but I had an extended weekend because of MLK day. Woohoo! It was so nice to sleep in a little (7:00 isn't really sleeping in lol) and to get some things done today. :) We had a pretty busy weekend so I have lots of pics!  Let's jump right in.

On Friday night Mark and I headed to Sushiya in Del Mar because I surprised Mark with Cinepolis tickets to see 13 Hours. Dinner was eh-okay but nothing like our Sushiya in Point Loma. The movie on the other hand was sooo good! I cried at the end, per usual, but it was seriously a very well done movie. If you haven't seen it you should add it to you must-watch list.

The next morning we headed to the beach so Mark could surf and I could hang out with my friend Emily. It was a super relaxing morning of walking and chatting on the beach. Perfect!

We rushed back home to get ready for the Beer Fest at Liberty Station. We got there a little late, but we still had a great time. The weather was absolutely perfect and the live music was super fun!

Afterwards, we headed to James and Emily's house to watch the Cardinals vs. Packers game. We attempted to watch some of it at Harbortown but it was super packed and everyone was exhausted. Fun day!

On Sunday, the guest speaker at church was super funny and a different style from our normal sermons. I really enjoyed it! When I got home I decided to meal plan for the week then run errands... grocery store, Michaels, Target, etc. Normal Sunday busy stuff. I ended up making mashed potatoes and meatloaf for dinner. Comfort food isn't normally my style but lately I have been loving it. I'm sure my body is loving it too :/ lol I also bought a new book, "The Best Yes," and I'm so excited to read it! For the rest of the night I worked on report card comments...  yay! They take forever!

Monday morning I woke up early to work on more report cards comments then met my friend Stephanie at Mission Bay to walk and chat for awhile. It was nice and overcast... my perfect walking weather. It was such a great morning. Then I headed home for more report card work and to get dinner in the crockpot. I also made a bunch of breakfast burritos to freeze and eat throughout the week. I made the Pioneer Woman's chipotle salsa to go with them. Mark will be so excited when he sees these! :)

Later on that night Sara and I headed up to Del Mar to go to a Rodan and Fields presentation. I love learning more about our great company and seeing people's success stories is so motivating!

It was a great weekend and I'm ready to tackle the week ahead! :) Have a great day everyone!!


  1. Can you share the brekafast burritos recipe? I'd love to have some of those on hand. How well do they reheat in the microwave? Also we saw 13 Hours this weekend too. Amazing, heartbreaking at the same time. Those men are so brave and I think that got overlooked in the politics of it all. Glad they're getting the recognition they deserve now. Looks like a fun, full weekend!
