29 February 2016

Weekend Recap: Disneyland/ California Adventure

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a great weekend, I know I did. I am EXHAUSTED today though. I love having my weekend full of fun things but it also wore me out haha.

On Friday, I met up with some girlfriends for dinner. We went to a restaurant I've never been to called Vessel and it was so beautiful. We sat outside and had a great view of the water. It was great to have some girl time :)

On Saturday, we left for our mini-adventure. Mark planned a Disneyland trip for us this weekend since he wasn't here for my birthday. It was SOOO much fun! We were at the park for quite awhile and finally called it quits around 10. Our legs were killing us and we were over the thousands of people that were there.

1st ride of the day- Big Thunder Mountain

SO beautiful!

On Sunday, we got up early and made our way back down the coast. The weather was super overcast, so not ideal for laying out by the pool. We had breakfast at a cute place by the water in Dana Point. We spent the rest of the day running errands and prepping food for the week. Also, I'm starting Whole30 on Tuesday. UGH... I'm not looking forward to it but I also know I need a change. I've done the Whole30 four times now (in the past couple of years) and I love how I feel, towards the end lol.  I sleep so much better, have more energy, and all my stomach problems seem to go away. I know it's not a permanent change but I'm hoping I can incorporate some of these things into my everyday life. Anyone want to join me??

Later during the day, I went and met Emily for a walk at Sunset Cliffs. It was nice to catch up and take in the beautiful scenery. There was some drama down by the Cliffs because someone apparently fell over the side after trying to retrieve his remote-controlled helicopter. He broke his leg and had to be rescued by a helicopter. It was all pretty crazy but I'm so glad the man was okay.

Our night ended with dinner with Dina (which is always a good time) and some reading. I am so behind this week on my reading!!

Have a great day everyone!

26 February 2016

Five on Friday: Newest Little Family Member

YAAAAY, it's Friday! I love Fridays but today is even more exciting because it means it's almost time to go on our (sorta) stay-cation this weekend. Mark planned a little getaway for us to celebrate my birthday. I know what you're thinking... wasn't your birthday two weeks ago?? Why yes, it was but my hubby was out of town so we are celebrating now. Woohoo! Stay tuned for pictures from our fun little trip.

1. Newest Little Family Member

So yesterday was a pretty awesome day because Emiko was born!!! She's our newest little family member and we couldn't be more excited for Laura and Blake. She's an adorable little lady and we cannot wait to meet her. Look at those cheeks! LOVE her so much already.

2. Yep.

Working on this!! 

3. Fuller House

I am so excited for Fuller House to start! Has anyone else been following the updates from the cast?? I follow a few of them on social media and love seeing the pictures of all of them together. I'm not planning on it being an amazing show... it's more about the nostalgia of the whole thing. Anyone else going to watch??

4. Inspiring

One of my sorority sisters, Katie, has this incredibly encouraging, honest, and real blog. She lays it out exactly how it is without any sugar-coating or excuses. She shares about grace in a way that makes you want to be just like her and empowers you to also be the best version of yourself. I've loved reading her blog for years now and I thought it was about time I share it with all of you. Hopefully there are some of you here who know Katie and read her blog religiously like I do. If not, scoot your little booty over there now! She's a very talented writer and has an inspiring perspective on life. I had the opportunity to reconnect with her a few weeks ago and I was so blessed by the time we spent together. Love ya girl!

5. Target Finds

So the other day, I went to Target to get some thank-you cards and sparkling water and left with a bunch of random stuff that cost $78. Ugh, Target you get me every time! I got these cute placemats that match perfectly with my house. I love the pattern and these are my colors! 

Buy it here.

One of the things I didn't buy but wanted to check out was this super cute bag. I just got a new purse for my birthday so I definitely don't need it but I wanted to see if it was as cute in person as it was online. Sadly, I didn't find it but seriously how cute is it??? This electric coral is fun for spring and summer. I'm more of a neutral girl myself so I would probably get the black one lol. I'm boring.

Buy it here.
Have a great Friday everyone!!

25 February 2016


I'm linking up with Jessica at the Newly blog for Confessional Thursday. Head over to her blog to read more confessions!

1. My name is Jessica and I have a foundation addiction. I'm on a quest to find the perfect one! I'm super interested in the new Nars Matte Foundation even though I don't need it lol. Has anyone tried it? Also, Tarte just came out with a new gel formulation. You can buy it online at Ulta, but not in stores yet.

2. Rude people REALLY irritate me. I don't know what it is but lately I've encountered so many rude people. I'll be walking through a doorway and someone will cut me off or I'll let someone go before me at a 4-way stop and they just look straight ahead. How hard is it to give a little wave or a nod?? That drives me nuts.

3. My sweet tooth is in over-drive lately. The more I try and avoid sweets, the more I find myself eating them. It's terrible! I blame Valentine's day and my birthday, but really I have no self-control. Ugh, I've got to get a handle on this.

4. I'm back on my obsession with Nantucket. I just love the idea of Nantucket so much! I've never been there but it just seems like a magical place. I'm almost done reading Nantucket Sisters by Nancy Thayer and it has me secretly wishing for summer to get here ASAP. Wasn't I just complaining about the heat lol??

5. This new palette is calling my name. I LOVE all Too Faced eyeshadow palettes and I can't resist the colors in this one. Plus the name is adorable!

6. Yet again, I ordered some new Erin Condren planner stickers from the Glam Panner. She has the cutest sets but man oh man they are pricey.

7. You know when people go on rants on Facebook about how other people have annoyed them?? I always think they are talking about me even though I haven't talked to them in forever lol. Am I the only one??

8. I keep an on-going list of baby names in my notes app on my phone. I add names that Mark and I both like and its constantly growing/ changing. It doesn't hurt to be prepared right?? :)

Have a great day everyone and YAY for it almost being Friday!!

24 February 2016

Book Over-Review: Secrets of a Charmed Life

I recently finished Secrets of a Charmed Life by Susan Meissner and it was SO GOOD! Here's a little snapshot of the book or in my words: a book over-review.

The book is set in London during WWII- my favorite time period in literature. The story opens with an interview of an older woman who survived the London Blitz in the 1940s and a young college student from Oxford. The woman takes you back in time telling you a story of two sisters that were separated by the war.

In the 1940s, London's children were evacuated to the countryside. The government was fearful of the impending bombings and wanted to protect their next generation. Fifteen-year-old Emmy Downtree and her young sister Julia were among those evacuated. They were fortunate enough to meet a kind older woman who let them stay in her Cotswold's Cottage. Emmy was frustrated to be considered a child (requiring evacuation) when she was given the opportunity to apprentice for a dress maker in London. She had big dreams of becoming a bridal gown designer and was making strides to see that this could happen. Being tucked away in the Cotswolds prevented her from doing what her heart so desired.

The sisters seemed safe from the potential danger in London, until Emmy makes a decision that will forever change their lives. Watching the spiraling effects of this one moment will make you cringe and hold your breath for what you know is coming.

Secrets of a Charmed Life will draw you in and keep you captivated from the very beginning. It gives you an in-depth look at the kind of destruction that was created by the bombs. This was not just a physical destruction but a haunting fear that lasted a lifetime. The way people picked up the pieces of their shattered lives and carried on is truly incredible. Grab your tissues and tuck yourself into a cozy spot. You'll be in it for the long-haul with this one!

23 February 2016

My New Favorite Recipe: Chicken Milanese

I'm finally getting around to sharing one of my new favorite meals. I honestly thought I shared this last month but can't find the post anywhere. Weird lol! This is Chicken Milanese from The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Dinnertime. It's super easy to make and is seriously yummy! This is great for a quick weeknight meal and is relatively healthy.

2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
3 large eggs
1/4 cup half-and-half or whole milk
1/2 cup flour
1 cup of seasoned breadcrumbs
4 tablespoons of butter
1/2 cup of Parmesan shavings
1-2 lemons, cut into wedges

1. Cut the chicken breasts in half so you are left with 4 thinner pieces.

2. Place each cutlet between two sheets of plastic wrap and pound them until they are very thin.

3. In a dish, whisk together the eggs and half-and-half. Place the flour and breadcrumbs in two separate dishes.

4. Salt and pepper both sides of the chicken pieces, then dredge them one at a time in the flour. Next, drunk them in the egg mixture and then coat both sides in breadcrumbs. Lay the breaded cutlets on a clean plate until you're ready to cook them.

5. Melt 2 tablespoons of the butter in a large skillet over medium-low heat. When it's melted and hot, add two of the breaded chicken cutlets.

6. Cook them on both sides until the breading is golden brown and the chicken is cooked through, 2 to 3 minutes per side. **Leave them undisturbed in the pan until you turn them over.

7. Remove the cutlets to a clean plate and add remaining butter to the skillet. Cook the remaining pieces of chicken. 

8. To serve, place a cutlet on a plate. Top generously with arugula and parmesan shavings. Squeeze a little salt and lemon juice over the greens. Serve with more lemon wedges. Enjoy!

22 February 2016

Weekend Recap: Drive Up the Coast

Happy Monday everyone! I can't believe our little vacation is over. It seriously flew by! We made the most of it this weekend though. We were busy, busy, busy! 

On Friday, after Mark got off work we explored a couple of new places in Ocean Beach. I'm all about planning out a whole weekend but sometimes it's just nice to do whatever you feel like in the moment. It was that kind of weekend! 

On Saturday, we both worked out in the morning and then headed on a little trip up the coast. It was such a beautiful day and we wanted to take advantage of the incredible weather. We took the top off my jeep and drove up to a taco shop in Encinitas. We stopped at a couple more places in Carlsbad, including this record store before we made our way back home. Mark got me a record player last year for Christmas and we wanted to get some new records. The stop was quirky but awesome.

Workout selfie :)

Later on that night we had Ashley, Fritz, and Emma over for dinner. It was so much fun to play cards and just relax with good friends. Plus Emma is so stinking adorable that she makes it even that much more fun. :)

Bentley LOVED Emma- He wanted to lick her face lol
On Sunday, I felt pretty yucky in the morning. I was sick most of the night which was no fun. I laid low most of the day and luckily I felt better that night.

I made shredded buffalo chicken enchiladas for dinner and they were super yummy!

Have a great week everyone!!

19 February 2016

Five on Friday: Birthdays and New Books

Happy Friday everyone! I can't believe it's already Friday. Why is it that on vacation the week flies by?? I'm looking forward to working out outside this morning, grabbing a coffee at Better Buzz, and getting our house organized. Hopefully we will be able to do something fun in the afternoon since Mark is back from his work trip. :) Have a great day everyone!!

As always I'm linking up with AprilNatashaChristinaKarliErikaNarci, and Andrea.

1. Celebrating Birthdays

I was home in Vegas this past weekend and was able to celebrate my birthday with my family and also my bestie Katie's birthday. Our birthdays are super close together but we haven't been in the same place to celebrate them in awhile. It was fun to get together for dinner and spend the night chatting like we used to. :) 

2. After You by Jojo Moyes

Buy it here

I'm almost done with After You by Jojo Moyes and it's sooo good! It makes me even more excited about seeing Me Before You in theaters but I really wish we didn't have to wait until June. Boo. Have you seen the trailer?? It looks so good!

3.  Camera Strap

Buy it here

Mark got me a new camera strap for my birthday and I LOVE it. The strap is from an Etsy shop called Paisley Maizie and she has so many cute options. I especially love that it has a little spot to put your lens cap because I never know where to put mine lol.

4.  R+F Macro Exfoliator

I finally used my Rodan+ Fields Macro Exfoliator over the weekend and my face was as smooth as a baby's bottom. I loved it! It only took five minutes to exfoliate my entire face, neck, and chest area. It can pull out up to 5 million dead skin cells in once use, crazy right?? My mom used it too and I think we expected the skin cells to look larger lol. I guess it's a good thing that they aren't because that would be nasty! I can't wait to use it again this weekend because I know the results get better with time.

5.  The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian

Buy it here

I started reading The Power of a Praying Wife again. I read about half of the book last time and decided to pick it up again because my online book club is reading it. There are SO many great reminders in this book that I basically underlined every sentence. I realized I was going a little overboard so I only underlined one on this page lol. I love that the focus is shifted away from what I need or want and focused on how I can pray for my husband. So powerful!