31 March 2016

Confessions: We want to have a baby

This post has been a long time coming but I've struggled with putting everything into words. I'm pretty open about us wanting to have kids and some of the struggles we've had, but I haven't written about it on my blog. I feel that's a very different kind of open. I am willing to share all about the activities we do and random things that I'm thinking about, but something so personal and raw is rough for me. It's been heavy on my heart lately and I've felt the nudge to share, so here goes nothing!

Mark and I have been trying to have a baby for almost two years now. We haven't had the opportunity every month for the two years though.  Mark's awesome busy schedule takes him out of San Diego for weeks and sometimes months on end. Plus, I've had some health stuff going on which makes it even harder to get pregnant. I don't know if I'm ready to share all of that... one day. Just know that I am seeing a doctor and we working on these issues. With all that being said, there hasn't been a month where I've stopped wanting a baby. Even without the option to try, my heart still hurts every. single. month.

This is the time in our lives when everyone around us is having a baby. I am still overjoyed for all those people but it does sting a little to know that it hasn't happened for us. Everyone has their own journey and their own struggles and I would never want to take away their happiness. I just want to join them in this new phase of life.

The biggest blessing in our long road is that the Lord has drawn us closer to Him in a way that we've never. He has also drawn Mark and I closer to each other. Oh man, here come the waterworks for me... Thank the Lord you guys can't see me as I type lol. He has brought so many incredible people into my life (& into Mark's) who have supported us every step of the way, constantly giving us encouragement and uplifting us when it feels like a baby will never come. I know that he knows our hearts' desire and one way or another we will have a precious little one. The waiting it just the really crappy part. Who likes to wait?? lol... not me!

Some days are much harder than others, especially when people say things like, "You just need to relax." Oh man, if I hear that one more time I will scream. I know that people just don't know how to respond but trust me, that's not even close. At this point, relaxing is not going to help. I'm guessing what people really mean is to "relax" and not put too much stress on yourself. I agree with that but when it becomes an infertility issue, relaxing and just "having fun" isn't our answer. I hope that doesn't sound harsh, but it's extremely frustrating when you hear it for the 100th time. If you know someone struggling with similar things, praying for them and just listening are sometimes the best things you can do.

I wish I could say, "SURPRISE, our waiting is over!" but unfortunately that's not the case. We are still praying every day and have faith that it will happen. I know that it's not in my timing but in His timing and man oh man that's hard. The Lord is teaching me so much about control. Apparently, I'm really bad at letting go of it!

I know this must sound like a downer of a post but I'm really writing this as an encouragement. I know what you're thinking... "An encouragement??? You just said you have been trying for a long time and it hasn't happened!" Yeah, I know... here's what I really mean to say: If you are in the trenches when it comes to wanting a baby (or wanting anything else in your life), take comfort in knowing that there are people who are in the trenches with you. Everyone has their "stuff" as I call it, which basically means we all have areas of struggle in our lives. What gives me comfort is knowing that we aren't on this journey alone. We have family and friends who support us and more importantly I know the Lord is with us every step of the way.

I read something (can't remember where lol) about how the Bible doesn't say we won't face hardships or stressful situations. What it does say, is how to deal with those hard times. We need to put our trust in Him, so that is what we are doing. Even though we may fail a lot some days and there have been more tears than I can count, I know that it will all be made perfect in His timing.

30 March 2016

DIY Oreo Pops

I recently hosted a baby shower and made these adorable Oreo pops for the guests to take home. They were pretty simple, even though it did take me quite awhile lol. Don't let that scare you... everything in the kitchen takes me awhile! You could make these different colors or put various candy onto them to change up the look. I've even seen someone use white chocolate and then drizzle more chocolate on top to make it look like a mummy. They added creepy little eyes to finish off the look. So fun! :) The original post can be found here

What You'll Need:
1 package of Oreos
1 package of white Candy Melts
Lollipop sticks
*plastic treat bags
*wax paper
*not pictured

1. Very carefully split the cookies in half. Don't worry if they break, you can use the melted chocolate to put them back together. 

2. Pour half of the chocolate into a microwave safe bowl and heat it at 30 second intervals, stirring in between. When all of the chocolate is melted scoop a generous amount onto a stick and place in between the two sides of the Oreos. Gently hold it together for a few seconds to make sure you have a secure hold. 

**It's important that you wait until they've dried before you dip them in the chocolate.

4. Heat up the rest of the chocolate and scoop it to the side of the bowl. Drag the Oreos through the chocolate and then turn it over to do the same on the other side. Use a rolling technique to get the edges of the Oreos. It's okay if the first couple look terrible lol... mine were awful! They will be covered with sprinkles so it won't matter. 

5. Lay them on the wax paper and before they cool completely, take a pinch of sprinkles and spread it around the top. It's much easier to do it by hand then try to shake them with out of the container. 

6. Let them cool & harden for at least an hour and then place them in the treat bag and tie a piece of ribbon around the stick to secure the bag. That's it! :) 

29 March 2016

10 Easy Date Ideas

Do you ever find yourself falling into the same date night routines?? I know we do! We are dinner and a movie kind of people and we end up doing that for our date nights 9 times out of 10. To change things up I've been thinking of some different things for us to do so I thought I would share them with you all.

1- Game Night: 

This can be with friends or just the two of you. We LOVE Jenga and that's totally doable with two people. We also like card games and things that are more fun with other couples. This is also an inexpensive way to do something out of the norm. Buy some snacks and drinks and invite some couples over... you'll be glad you did!

2- Bowling: 

I know what some of you are thinking... "bowling?? I haven't bowled since elementary school!" Well, we love to go bowling. Once again, inexpensive but super fun. Plus, anything that adds some friendly competition is super fun! You can make this a throwback experience even more getting getting pizza before you bowl too ;)

3- Try a winery or brewery: 

I love trying new places and any place with wine or beer sounds great to me! Since I live in San Diego, there's an abundance of breweries here and wineries just a short distance away. We've gone to a ton of them but it's always fun to try out a new place. If going out just doesn't sound exciting or maybe you have kids at home, you can do your own taste-testing at home. Just head to your local grocery store and pick up a few bottles of wine or beer that you've never tried. It's even more fun if you hide the label and you have to guess the varietal!

4- Pizza night at home: 

Once again, going out isn't always feasible so cooking at home together can be so fun. We make pizza at home every so often and it's an easy way to include both people in the kitchen. Mark can make his own pizza and then I can have one too. I buy the dough from Trader Joe's because it's seriously the best! I've posted about it before here.  Plus, if you have kids at home you can help them make their own version and when they go to bed you can make a more adult version with the Quattro Formaggio cheese, tomatoes, pine nuts, and arugula... mmm!!

5- Hike & a picnic: 

We love to be outdoors, especially since it's so beautiful here year round. Hiking is a great way to get some exercise but to also spend time together. Look up some local trails and pack a little picnic to go along with it. We haven't done this in awhile but the last time we did we packed sandwiches, chips, some cookies, and waters. It wasn't gourmet but it was delicious!

6- Make a living room picnic: 

Mark and I love to make floor forts... I talked about it on my Valentine's day post, click here to read more. It's basically a bunch of pillow and blankets on the carpet in our living room. We make a super comfy spot and then watch movies or binge watch TV shows on stormy days. You could amp this up a bit by getting various cheeses, crackers, fruit, and chocolate. Then find some wine that compliments your cheese and chocolate choices and voila you have a fancy little floor picnic that's also super romantic! P.S. Whole Foods is awesome about helping you pair cheese, wine, and chocolate!

7- Check out a local museum: 

We are super fortunate to have all kinds of museums and fun places to check out in San Diego. They also have a different free museum each Tuesday for locals, just FYI for any San Diego peeps. This is a great way to do something out of the norm and to learn something new. We've gone to different museums at Balboa Park and the Midway which is a huge aircraft carrier that has a ton of history about the Navy. We also went to an exhibit on the history or torture... I wouldn't recommend that one. It was super creepy lol!

8- Sunset walk: 

Sometimes life is just extremely busy and you don't have time to dedicate an entire night to a date. I understand that, so just make a point to take a sunset walk together. This is one of my favorite things to do and we try to go watch the sunset as often as we can. We are also super fortunate to live near the ocean, so the sunset is just that much better. :) It's a peaceful time to reconnect.

9- Go dancing: 

I love to go out and go dancing. It's so much fun to go dancing with the girls but I don't find myself going out dancing with my husband as much. We recently went to a wedding and danced a ton together. Normally, he pretty much knocks me over so this was a treat for me. Now, I want to make a point to go out and dance together more often. Hopefully, he's excited about this idea!

10- Take a cooking class together: 

Cooking is one of my favorite things to do and cooking with my hubby is even better! We took an appetizer & cocktails class at Hipcooks last year and we had a blast! I would love to do it again but the Paris themed night or another kind of class. It's a great way to learn something new and also enjoy the fruits of your labor! I've head the classes at Sur La Table are great too!

What are your favorite kind of date nights?

28 March 2016

Weekend Recap {Easter 2016}

Happy Monday everyone! I am on officially on Spring Break...woohoo! :) I plan on reading a bunch in the next few days and then we are heading to Vegas on Wednesday to see our families. Should be a great week! Anyways, let's dive into this weekend recap.

On Friday, my mom and I went on a walk at Sunset Cliffs and it was perfect outside. I've talked about this a million times now but I truly LOVE walking at the cliffs. Then we headed home to get ready and then to run errands.

Later that night, I went to to church to serve in the children's ministry. It was fun to see a different side of church and the leaders did such a great job making it fun for the kids. Later on that night we went to Harbortown for a later dinner. YUM!

On Saturday, my parents left super early to head back home. We were sad to see them leave but also excited because we will see them at the end of the week. Dina and I worked out then met Emily for lunch at Miguel's... yum! Later on, Nicole and John invited us to join them at Moonshine Flats. We grabbed Dina and headed to meet them. It was a fun and unexpected night.

On Sunday, Mark and I went to the Easter service at church. It was PACKED which is always a good thing. Pastor Bob did a great job with the message and it was such an encouraging service. Afterwards, we headed to Coronado to Rhys' house for lunch. The spread was incredible with everything from ham to macaroni & cheese. I broke down and had carbs and sweets. I'm sure I'll regret it tomorrow when my stomach is killing me lol. It was a great day with wonderful people! The cutest little boy was there and he was the entertainment for us all. So sweet! Thanks for hosting Rhys! :)

I'm obsessed with these cookies! They were made by a woman in Coronado... so adorable!!!

The dogs had an Easter egg hunt with dog treats :)

We forgot to take a picture at church with our "fancier" clothes lol
Have a great day everyone!

25 March 2016

Five on Friday {Busy, Busy}

Happy Friday everyone! I am on spring break!! Woohoo... I'm sorry to brag but I'm super excited about this fact. I had a crazy busy week with almost no time to get anything done. My parents are in town, which is super fun but also busy, busy, busy. Plus my student teacher started this week. So much to do! I haven't been able to post as regularly as I usually do, which has been hard for me. I want to keep up with everything I have going on but I also know that everyone needs a break. Hopefully, I'll get one this week!Anyways, lets jump in!

1- Good Friday

"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities: the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his words we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us turned to our own way: and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all." - Isaiah 53:5-6

2- Fun Times with the Fam

Since my parents are in town we've been pretty busy every night. It's been so much fun to hang out with them though. Here's a little picture recap of our week so far. 

3- New Book

I'm currently listening to a new audiobook and I LOVE it so far. It's called the Miliner's Secret by Natalie Meg Evans. It's set a few years before World War II in Paris... are you surprised?? My favorite time period for book plots, but WOW, it's super good. It's also really long so download it before a big road trip!

4- Vince Gill

We saw Vince Gill in concert last night and WOW he was good. He just seems so dang humble and like a real approachable person. He told lots of stories throughout the night and that was definitely my favorite part. I found myself tearing up more than once because listening to this kind of country music just brings me back to my childhood. We were brought up to listen to these classic artists and it brought back a floodgate of memories to hear these songs tonight. 

5- Loving this new dress

I bought this dress last weekend and I'm in love. It's so comfy and actually super flattering even though it has a more flowy shape. I found this one online but couldn't find the actual dress. Try  looking at Francesca's in the actual store and you might be able to find it.

As always I'm linking up with AprilNatashaChristinaKarliErikaNarci, and Andrea. Have a great weekend!!

22 March 2016

10 Bucket List Items

1. Vacation in Nantucket. I have a slight huge obsession with Nantucket. I've never been but I read a TON of books about it and it seems pretty perfect to me. A friend of ours said his family has a home there... does that offer to visit still stand Sammy??? :)

2. Scuba Dive. I should start by saying the ocean scares the tar out of me! I grew up in Vegas so pools are much more my style. Lately, I have been thinking more and more about how amazing it would be to go scuba diving. I would probably have a freak out thought haha. We are trying to figure out a Hawaii trip this summer so it would be awesome to learn before we go. Maybe I should just start with snorkeling lol.

3. See Vince Gill in concert. I get to check this one off my list on Thursday. I am SO EXCITED. I grew up listening to Vince Gill and I think he's amazing. I am more in awe of him after hearing a recent interview with him on the Highway on Sirius radio. He has worked with so many artists and helped countless people get their start in the business. He is also so dang humble. In the interview he kept raving about other people every time they tried to celebrate his success... I LOVE that.

4. Helicopter ride (in Hawaii). I really want to take a helicopter ride in Hawaii over a volcano. How typical do I sound lol?? I have been researching different helicopter excursions and this one sounds amazing. You get to go by waterfalls too. So fun but also terrifying. I am a huge chicken lol.

5. Visit Yellowstone. My mom and I were talking a few weeks ago about wanting to go to different National Parks and it's so funny because I was literally just thinking about how we used to do this when I was a kid. I grew up camping in a super small trailer and tents. It was not luxurious at all but it was such a great time with countless memories. I want to take a camper on a road trip to visit different parks. I think Yellowstone is at the top of my list.

6. Learn to make macaroons. I've said this for over a year now. I just need to take the time and actually learn to make them. My friend Jenna got me a macaroon cookbook for my birthday so there is no excuse now.

The next few bucket list items are on my Europe wish list and let's be real... there's about 100 more!

7. Take a cooking class in Rome. I would actually love to take a cooking class anywhere in Europe but Rome would be pretty awesome. When I think of Italy, I think of pasta, pizza, and delicious wine. Learning to make something from the masters would be one of the highlights of my life. Yes, that's a tad dramatic, but I love food lol.

8. A sunrise kayak in Killarney, Ireland. I know this one seems super random but I have wanted to go to Ireland for what seems like... ever! I have Irish roots and I just think it looks so breathtaking. While perusing the internet I came across this blog and these amazing pictures that Margo took of her sunrise kayak in Ireland. I HAVE to do this. It seems so serene and peaceful that I feel like I have to experience this in my lifetime. Basically, I want to do everything that she posts about but this one is nearing the top of my list for sure.

9. Head to Munich for Oktoberfest. This would just be amazing, enough said.

10. Visit Bruge, Belgium. Once again, I found this picturesque place on Margo's blog and I'm obsessed. She talks about their experience on the canal system and it just seems right up my alley. It seems very cozy and full of old charm. My cup of tea... or pint of beer because it's Belgium after all!

21 March 2016

Weekend Recap {Baby Shower & Surprise Wedding!}

Hi everyone! Happy Monday! I'm sorry this is going up so late but it was a busy, busy weekend and I was too exhausted last night to attempt a post. This weekend was filled with fun events from a baby shower, to a surprise wedding, and a Rodan+ Fields night at my house. Here is a little picture recap :)

I hosted a baby sprinkle for my friend Sara who is having her 2nd little boy. I tried to keep everything low-key and not too crazy. It was a lot of fun and I'm so glad I could bless this little mama. I'm going to share some more about this day later on in the week.

Oreo pops

The guest of honor with her friend Thuan and her two babies

So thankful for Ashley's help with everything

Heyyy girl :)
Ashley- I stole this picture from you lol 

The cutest whittle cheeks

Cheesin' it :)
On Saturday night we went to James and Emily's engagement party which turned into a surprise wedding. I had been secretly hoping for weeks that this would happen but man oh man they kept their lips sealed! It was such a beautiful night and I'm so thankful we could celebrate two of my favorite people!!

The next day, Mark was hurtin' a bit :) We went to Wonderland for brunch and then I finished all my weekend chores.

Later that night, I had some girlfriends over for a Love Your Skin event to share about my new business. Even thought I've been with the company since January, I haven't really had the chance to share the products and business model with many of my friends. It was a great girls night :)