17 April 2016

Weekend Recap {Tracy's Bridal Shower}

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend, I know I did. This weekend a bunch of family was in town for my cousin Tracy's bridal shower. It was great to see everyone and to meet baby Emiko. She is so stinking adorable! The weather was gorgeous this weekend and the shower was beautiful.  Here is a little picture recap:

The sweet little Emi

Later that night we went back up to Poway to have dinner with the Wooster fam and a bunch of their family friends. It was so nice to be able to spend more time with everyone! 

On Sunday, Lauren and I headed to Seaport Village (it's her fave place) and then walked around for awhile. Such a beautiful day!

The rest of the day was spent running errands, grocery shopping, and catching up on random things around the house. It was a great weekend! :)