
Weekend Recap {Moving Craziness}

Happy Monday everyone! Whew, that was a busy weekend... I am SO glad that the moving process is now over. We had lots of help, which was very much appreciated. Moving is not fun but with help, it is way more manageable. THANK YOU to everyone who came out and pitched in. I know it wasn't ideal to move on a Friday, but I'm glad it's over. We are officially all moved in and have made a big dent in the unpacking. YAY!

Our yay-we-are-done-moving-dinner :) 

Breakfast at Better Buzz...yum!

Mark hung a bunch of our pictures, so it's starting to feel much more like home. 

On Saturday night, we had a double date with the Kernkamps at the new movie theater in Point Loma. We saw the Infiltrator and I highly recommend it. Such a great movie!! The movie theater was super neat as well. It was like a Cinepolis but the outside restaurant and bar area were so beautiful and open. We can't wait to go back. 

On Sunday, we went to Mark's work get-together at the Padres game. We invited Rob and Spencer to come and we had a great time. Mark and I were pretty burnt out from the weekend so we ended the night on the couch watching a movie and relaxing. 

I'm ready to tackle this week and knock some more items off of my to-do list. I'll update you with more house pictures when we get some more done. Have a great day!

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