27 September 2016

5 Things I Do Everyday to Keep My House Clean

There are certain things that I do every day/ night to ensure the house doesn't get too messy in the hustle and bustle of the week. None of these are life-changing or new ideas but they really help me.  I'm sure you guys do most of these things as well, but I love reading these kinds of posts, so I hope you do too!

One- Empty the Sink and Run the Dishwasher

Every night after dinner, I make sure all the dishes are out of the sink and either cleaned and put away or are in the dishwasher. I don't know what it is but a full sink makes the kitchen look so much messier. I hate it! Plus we've struggled with ants at our new house and dirty dishes scream "Ants, come eat me!" I can't stand ants lol. 

In the morning, I also like to unload the dishwasher. It just helps eliminate dishes piling up in the sink and making the kitchen look messy. Like I said above, that drives me nuts. 

Two- Spray Down the Counters

Crumbs are another thing that drives me nuts. I hate putting my hand down on a counter and have crumbs stick to it. I'm pretty crazy about spraying down the counters after every time I prep food or cook something. It just makes me feel like my kitchen is clean! I love the Method all-purpose cleaner. It smells amazing and does the job! 

Three- Vacuum the Living Room and Kitchen

Our dogs love to track in dirt, grass, and little stickers from the backyard. Vacuuming up all those little pieces makes our house look so much nicer. Plus who likes to walk on hardwood floors and have little pieces of gras sticking to your feet?? Not me! :) I do this everyday and sometimes I'll do our bedrooms too. Keep in mind that our house is around 900 square feet. Not much to vacuum haha!

Four- Pick Up Around the House

Before we head to bed, I always pick up around the house. I fold up and put away blankets, put cups in the dishwasher, put all the dog toys in their bin, etc. It takes less than five minutes but makes my next morning so much better. I also like to get my lunch together the night before, set the coffee maker, and put my computer and other work stuff in my bag. Doing these few things helps in the morning when I'm feeling like a zombie. 

Five- Make the Bed

I love making our bed first thing in the morning. It helps the room to feel more put together and I feel like it sets the tone for the day. It makes me feel like I have my life together if I can at least make the bed lol! I know that sounds crazy, but for me, it really does.  When Mark is in town, he usually leaves after me, so he makes the bed. Either way, it's just a great habit to get into.

What things do you do everyday to ensure your house stay clutter free and put together?? I would love some tips and tricks from you! 

26 September 2016

Weekend Recap {Grammie in Town}

This weekend was extra special because my Grammie was in town to visit. Yes, I still call her Grammie lol. She lives in Michigan and has never made a trip out to just spend time with us. Mark cleaned most of the house on Friday to help me get ready for her arrival....such a huge help! He also made this end table for our living room. He's so talented!! Thanks Mark!

We picked her up from the airport Saturday morning and then went back to the house to drop off her things. Next, we headed to Harbortown for some appetizers and to watch the Michigan game. So much fun!

Later on, we went to Old Venice in Point Loma for dinner. It was so delicious and I just love the atmosphere there. So pretty! We ended the night at Bali Hai. :)

On Sunday, my Grammie and I went shopping while Mark watched football. I was on the hunt for black flats but ended up getting these little guys instead. I couldn't resist!! We had lunch at P.F. Changs and it definitely brought back memories. Fun fact: I worked at Changs for 4 years and met some of my best friends there! :) We headed back to the house for some down time before checking her into her hotel. We ended up having a appetizers at the hotel lounge area. WOW, so beautiful there!


pretty incredible view... my hubby is pretty cute too :) 

Last night was also our 2nd book club meeting. It was fun to get the girls together to chat about books, babies, and everything in between. The men even hung out in the garage and watched football! Such a fun time. We were missing some girls though and I feel so bad that the date kept getting changed. Hopefully we can all be together next time... you were missed ladies!!

Such a wonderful weekend! I'm ready to tackle this week because it means I'm that much closer to R+F convention! I leave in 9 days!!!!! Have a good day everyone!

23 September 2016

Friday Favorites {What I'm Loving}


Happy Birthday Rhys!

missing Dina because she's taking the picture :) 

I am so lucky to have such a great group of friends here in San Diego. I was terrified to move here and leave my comfort zone in Vegas. Luckily, I was introduced to some pretty incredible people through Mark's work and my own. I'm so thankful for every lady here who makes me feel so special. The other night, some of these girls went to celebrate a dear friend, Rhys' birthday. So fun!

Bai Bubbles

image via

I love sparkling water because it makes me feel like I am drinking something fancier than just plain water lol. I actually really love soda but I know that it's terrible for me, so I avoid it most days. I just found these Bai Bubble drinks and I think they are delicious. The black cherry is my favorite :) 

Enchilada Soup

I made the Enchilada soup that Christina posted last week and holy moly it was delicious! I'm such a weirdo about corn in dishes but it was actually super yummy. I think the cotija cheese gives it great flavor and the chicken was so tender. This will be a staple for us this fall! 

Fall Colors

Blush   |   Palette 

Now that the weather is getting cooler, I change up my makeup to more fall "appropriate" colors. Instead of using pinky blushes and shimmer eye shadows, I'll use mauvey blushes and matte eye shadows. I've pulled out my Oasis blush from Nars and I had forgotten how much I LOVE it. Such a pretty color. I've also been using my Lorac Pro palette more often. The matte colors are pretty perfect and the bronze shade it my go-to for some shimmer.

This Is Us

image via

This week we watched the new show This Is Us and we loved it!!! I don't know what I was expecting but it was totally different. I really don't want to ruin the first episode for anyone, so I'll post more about it next week. Go watch the replay on NBC.com, trust me, you'll like it! :) 

Living Like Grown-ups

You guys, I forgot to tell you the most exciting/ boring thing ever. We have a washer and dryer at our new place!!! We haven't had a washer and dryer in our home in the last three years. We've had to use the community washer and dryers and it was pretty awful. I know this sounds like such a boring thing to be excited about but just imagine your life without one. Pretty bad huh??

I'm linking up with all my favorite ladies today! Check out their blogs: Christina, April, Natasha, Amy, and Karli.

22 September 2016

Five Things To Look Forward to in Fall

Fall is officially here so I can finally start talking about all the pumpkin/ fall goodness lol. I feel like I've been pretty good so far. I've only had one pumpkin cream latte and I haven't posted much about anything fall related haha. Here is my roundup of things I am looking forward to...


Red Plaid  |  Blue Plaid  | Knit Scarf 

Who doesn't love being wrapped in a comfy scarf?? I have tons and tons of scarves and pretty much live in them all fall/ winter. Let's be real, San Diego doesn't have a winter haha. Anyways, I have a couple favorite ones that I can't wait to wear but of course I have my eye on a few new scarves as well. Can you tell I have a thing for plaid??

Oh and one more because I can't help myself. I LOVE the fringe.

Comfort Food

image via

I am a huge fan of hearty soups and chilis in the colder months. I love to make my family recipe of stew and also french onion soup. I posted about some yummy soup recipes a couple weeks ago but I've found even more that look amazing. Check out this list of 50 fall soup recipes from Country Living. YUM! This Sausage and Cheese Tortellini soup needs to make an appearance ASAP. I'm not sure Mark will be pumped about the carb fiesta but I'm excited about it lol. Also, I'm posting about a new fave recipe I made this week during my Five on Friday tomorrow. Come back to check it out!

Apple Galore

image via

This is such a great time of year for all things apple. I have found some really yummy looking apple desserts and I can't wait to give them a try. This blooming' Baked Apple Dessert from The Gunny Sack looks incredible.

image via

These Apple Pie Bites look like the perfect bite size treats. How adorable are they??

image via

Everyone needs a great Apple Cider recipe. This look pretty fantastic!!

Gilmore Girls

image via

Gilmore Girls is back on November 25th and I couldn't be more excited. If it wasn't over Thanksgiving break, I would have a party for it lol! Anyone else excited to watch??


Plaid  |  Maroon Sweater  | Gray  Sweater

I love me some good neutrals with pops of maroon and green. The fall is full of these colors and it's totally my jam. I also love wearing big comfy sweaters and basically anything plaid. This light blue plaid is calling my name! Fall is by far the most comfortable season when it comes to clothes and I am so ready!

What are you guys most looking forward to in fall??

20 September 2016

Weekend Recap {Backyard DIY}

cheesin' it after breakfast on Saturday

Happy Monday everyone! I was actually in such a good mood this morning but it's probably because I had a long weekend. I was home from work on Thursday and Friday because I had some doctor's appointments. Even though I had to lay low those days, I was still able to sleep in :) Win in my book!

We spent a good chunk of the weekend working on the backyard. When I say we, I mean mostly Mark and our friend Greg. I did help with the plants but that's about it haha. My hubby is super handy and I was even more impressed than normal when he whipped up these planters. We got the wood on Friday afternoon and him and Greg put them together in no time. They look awesome! Our pups thought they were pretty awesome as well lol.

 He also made this bench, and this little table to camouflage the propane tank for the fire pit. I can't wait until it gets cool enough to use.

On Sunday, we brought our friends Spencer and Rob some dinner and were able to see their new little one, Charlie. He's so precious!

Afterwards, we went on a date night to the Brigantine. It was nice to relax and let someone else make a meal for us :) It was a great weekend and I'm really looking forward to next weekend when my Grammie comes to visit. Should be fun! Have a great day everyone.

16 September 2016

Five on Friday {A little of everything}

Good morning everyone! This is going up a little later than I expected but I had quite the day yesterday. Let's jump in!

New Bedroom Decor

Our friends Kayla and Greg gave us this adorable sign as a housewarming gift. I posted about it earlier this week but I had to share this picture again because it looks perfect in our room. Thanks guys! I also switched out our comforter because it matches our throw pillows and the room better. I totally forgot we had this comforter! I'm planning on doing a house tour soon. We are still working on the spare bedroom.

The Pioneer Woman Cookware

These bowls don't match our kitchen but they are so cute!! I also love the 4 pack of mason jars with lids. They would be perfect for parties with mixed drinks. 

How cute are these butter dishes?? I love the one on the left. 

My friend Ashley texted me yesterday with pictures of the new fall line by the Pioneer Woman. To say I'm obsessed is an understatement. I LOVE everything. I decided I had to go to Walmart and see everything for myself. Unfortunately, the Walmart we went to didn't have much but they did have some of her new stuff. I have so many of these items on my Christmas wish list already!

On the Weekend Menu

find the recipe here

I found this delicious looking chicken recipe on pinterest and I can't wait to make it this weekend. It looks amazing!!!

find the recipe here

I've been craving chipotle chicken chili for weeks now. It's finally getting cool enough to make some!

Redefine Amp It Up Special

I don't talk about my business a ton on here but this deal is way too good not to share. Right now they are running a special for the Redefine regimen and the Amp MD system. The Redefine regimen is the holy grail of anti-aging. It works on the loss of firmness, pore size, fine lines, wrinkles, and overall skin texture. I use it every night and LOVE it. 

The Amp MD system includes the micro-needling roller, the Night Renewing Serum (it feels like silk on your face, love it!), and the cleaning system for the roller. Basically the roller works by using a micro-exoliation technology, in combination with the retinol and peptides in the Night Renewing system, to give your face as more youthful appearance. It works on those fine lines, wrinkles, and overall skin texture. It increases collagen production too! I also use this every night and it's a must-have for me. 

So this special that is going on includes the Redefine regimen and the Amp MD system for 20% off and then they will give you an entire box of Acute Care for free! This is a huge deal because these little wrinkle-filling patches are normally over $200. It's basically botox without the needle :) Pretty awesome! I would love to tell you guys more about it if you're interested. :) 

So Thankful

I was dreading this week for awhile now but I'm so thankful it's over and everything went well. I'm also so grateful for my mom who came to be with me and Mark who took care of me. Thank you for all the prayers, texts, flowers, and yummy coffee treat this morning. I have the best friends! 

14 September 2016

My last 10 pics on my iPhone

I saw this blog idea on Hello Happiness and thought it was so fun. Here is a little insight to what is in my photos on my phone. 

From top left to right

One- A new tap house opened in Point Loma and we were finally able to check it out last week.  They had a pretty interesting beer list and a few appetizers and entrees on their menu. They haven't had their grand opening yet so I think they are still working out some kinks. I'm excited to see what their full menu will offer. 

Two- This picture of my hubby, my mother-in-law, brother-in-law, and me was taken last weekend at Greg's surprise party.

Three- I am pretty much obsessed with he Pioneer Woman and I'm even more obsessed with her cookware. Everything is so cute and very much my style. The plates shown above look pretty similar to what I have now but I love the detail in these plates. Christmas present idea?? :)

Four- I purchased this book, Holding Onto Hope, last week. I've heard really great things and I'm excited to read more. I'm only about 10 pages in so far.

Five- Rodan+Fields is pre-launching in Australia in the fall of 2016, which is so exciting!! Big things are happening!

Six- I love this quote. I've stood in my own way for SO long but I've made some big leaps this year. Joining the R+F business was such a big step for me but once I stopped thinking about what could go wrong, I was able to just believe in the opportunity that was in front of me. 

Seven- Our friends, Kayla and Greg, got us this beautiful sign as a housewarming gift. I think it looks perfect in our bedroom.

Eight- How cute is this outfit?? It's from Brighton Keller's Instagram and I love her style. So adorable!

Nine- I turned on my bluetooth in my car yesterday and Good, Good Father by Chris Tomlin was the first song to come on. I wasn't previously listening to it, so it was strange that it came on.  Must have been a sign. 

Ten- I saw this picture on FB the other day and loved it lol. This is how I felt last Friday. 

12 September 2016

Weekend Recap {Surprise Party}

Happy Monday everyone! What a whirlwind of a weekend. We made a super-quick trip to Vegas for our friend Greg's surprise 30th birthday. We got in late Friday night and went to bed right away. We were tired from being in the car forever. On Saturday, we went to breakfast with Mark's dad and brother then I went to get my hair cut and colored. I'm so happy Robin is back and is feeling better! My hair and I missed her :)

Later, we headed to the party at Greg's girlfriend's house. The party was a great time! They had delicious food and it was fun to just hang out with everyone.

On Sunday morning, we went to the Harry Potter themed coffee shop, Bad Owl Coffee. So cute! I had a Pumpkin Cream Latte, does that mean I'm #basic since it's not a PSL? :)

We left after the Chargers game and ventured on home. The traffic was bad as usual and we didn't get home until late and then we walked into ants all over our kitchen. Anyone who knows me, knows it's my nightmare!!!! I'm hoping today is a better day.  I'm just ready to get this week started and I'm praying it flies by!

08 September 2016

Confessions... My random thoughts :)

I have way too many owl mugs- how cute is this though??

Hi everyone! I haven't done a confessions post in awhile so I thought I would catch you up on my random thoughts haha. Did you miss them??

I confess that...

I have been a reading machine lately. I am REALLY trying to make my goal of 50 books this year. Also, reading is just the best :) I'm such a nerd, I know. Yesterday, I posted about the book All the Missing Girls and how I'm obsessed with it. Scroll down for my review or just take my word for it and buy the book immediately.

I'm not as excited about fall as I usually am. At this point last year, I was begging for cooler weather and a PSL. This year, I am embracing this in between stage but also wishing for more beach days. Summer went too fast. Maybe once it's cool enough to wear boots and cozy sweaters on the reg, I'll be more excited.

I bought this open-front cardigan during the Nordstrom sale and I'm obsessed. I've pretty much worn it every time it gets a little colder at night. I have it in gray and I sized down to a XS, it runs HUGE. I might pick up this maroon color too!

I am finally back to working out. Hallelujah! I was averaging once or twice a week there for a little bit. So terrible! I have the workout bug again and I'm glad I finally do. My jeans are thanking me lol.

The Rodan+ Fields Convention is in less than a month!!! I cannot wait! It's in Vegas, which isn't that exciting for me because I'm from there but I'm still pumped. The new product will be announced and I'm just excited to be in the same place as my fellow team members. YAY!

We are still praying to be blessed by a baby. We've had some new discoveries this summer that have set us back a little but hopefully things will get better soon. I'm not exactly sure yet how much I'm going to share but maybe one day :)

I don't understand this Instant Pot craze. What is this contraption and how does it work??? I feel like I need one but I don't know why lol. Someone help!

People who don't say "excuse me" drive me insane. How rude are you that you think that running into someone isn't a big deal??? UGH! Rant over.

I have been in such a "soup" mood lately but it's still too hot. I found this pin that has 15 different slow cooker soups. I'll be trying these as soon as the temp drops!

I am pretty obsessed with this song. I love his voice!

We already have our Halloween costume picked out. I'm so excited because it will be so easy and comfy but hopefully pretty funny :) Is it too early for that??

Have a great day everyone!

07 September 2016

Book Crush: All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda

buy it here

You guys, I fell in love with the book All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda this weekend. I was obsessed and I couldn't stop listening to it. I had purchased the audiobook on Friday because I like to have one to listen to while on my long commute. The book only lasted for the weekend because I finished it Tuesday morning before work. I found myself listening to it while getting ready, cleaning the house, making meals, etc. It was a sit on the edge of your seat, page-turning, suck you in, kind of book. I have to admit that reading it while being home alone wasn't the best idea. I was totally freaked out each night and couldn't sleep lol. So maybe read it with a full house??

Here is the basic premise without ruining the storyline for you. It's based on two missing girls, ten years apart. The story is told over a two week time period, but backwards. I thought I wouldn't like this part but it made the story so much more interesting and helped to connect the pieces. I was so impressed with the author's ability to do this, without revealing the same details over and over.

The story takes place in a small town where rumors and secrets last for a lifetime. You'll find yourself piecing together the motives of each person, trying to pinpoint these mysterious disappearances on one or even all of the townspeople. Who did it?? :)

Clear your schedule folks. You'll want to hunker down and read this one asap. :)

06 September 2016

Weekend Recap {Labor Day 2016}

Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday! I hope you all had a great LONG weekend. It was so needed and I bummed it's already over. I had a nice mix between set plans and low-key time to catch up on laundry, cleaning, etc. You know, all the grown up stuff I wish would magically happen lol?

Friday was spent out to dinner with my friend Ashley and her daughter Emma. It was a nice relaxing time spent at Sushiya, what could be better??

I can't adult today. 

Saturday, I worked out at OTF, FINALLY! I have been so bad about going this past week and needed to find my groove again since school started. The workout kicked my butt, in the best way possible lol! I spent a good chunk of my day at the Jeep dealership but it also gave me time to work on my Rodan+ Fields business and read for a little. Two birds, one stone :) I met up with a friend in Laguna for dinner... it was a great day!

Sunday, we had our family fantasy football draft. I shouldn't be allowed to draft... I should just auto-draft lol. I forgot to pick a QB until pretty far down in the draft... ugh! Oh well! I went to Better Buzz that morning and got an acai bowl and The Best Drink Ever, of course. I also meal planned, grocery shopped, and got ready for the Coronado Concert in the Park. We headed down to Coronado at 4 and setup a nice spread os snacks and drinks. It was the perfect night out and such a beautiful way to end the summer. Although, it still feels like summer here!

She's so cute!

Monday, I worked out at OTF again and food prepped for a couple hours. I'm trying to be better about what I eat because when I get busy, it's the first thing to go! I'm all set for the next few days, so that's good.

Then I headed to dinner with Nicole, Ashley, and Emma. Nicole is moving soon so it was great to spend some time together. Plus, who can pass up Mexican food?? Not this girl!

Such a great weekend and now I'm super excited for Mark to come home this week. Have a great day!