30 November 2016

Stocking Stuffers for Outdoorsmen

Headlamp    |   Hammer   |   Smartwool Socks

Stocking stuffers for men can be quite difficult, especially because the small items can be expensive. I try to get creative but sometimes you just need a man's perspective to help. So I actually enlisted my husband to help me with this one, which is a double win, because now I have some ideas for his stocking as well. :) This is definitely for the outdoorsman and most items can be found at Home Depot and REI. These would always make great presents, not just socking stuffers. I hope this gives you some ideas.

See my stocking stuffers for the women in your life, here. Disclaimer: we ALWAYS include candy in the stockings as well. Also, we usually add in Starbucks gift cards too!

28 November 2016

Thanksgiving Break Recap

Hi everyone! Happy Monday! I'm officially in full Christmas mode. We've decorated our house, Mark put the lights up outside, and I even started wrapping presents. I am a total Christmas- freak... I just love it. Let's not forget Thanksgiving though... we had a great time when we were home and I can believe how fast it was here and then over. So sad!

We got into town on Tuesday night and had dinner with my parents and my mother in law, Lauren. We went to bed pretty early because we were exhausted. On Wednesday, we ran errands and then met up with some family friends at the Hofbraushaus. Mark is obsessed with German food, so I knew he would love it. The place was pretty dead but it was still fun.

On Thanksgiving day, we went over to Bob and Lora's for breakfast and to watch football. I was really terrible at taking pictures this week and barely have any, whoops!

We headed back to the house after the Lions game and my mom started preparing everything for dinner. It was a pretty low key day, we just played games, watched football, and had lots of snacks. The food was delicious and we all went to bed with full bellies.

On Friday, my mom, Lora, and I all went Black Friday shopping. It's a tradition and we love the craziness of it all. We don't go until like 8 or 9 because we aren't trying to get any hot ticket items. It's much less stressful when you aren't looking for something in particular. I ended up getting a lot of great deals and checked some people off my Christmas gift list.

Then the best part of the whole weekend... GILMORE GIRLS!! My mom and I had been planning a girls night for weeks to celebrate the launch of the final 4 episodes. I don't want to ruin it for anyone else who hasn't seen it yet, but holy moly it was good! We watched all 4 episodes that night so it was a little much lol. I recommend breaking it up in chunks!

On Saturday, we watched the Michigan v. Ohio State game. Sadly, Michigan lost but it was such a good game. It definitely kept us on the edge of our seats.

My mom and I headed back out to a local store that was having a Shop Small Saturday sale and bought more Christmas gifts.  Later on, we went to dinner at a Hibachi place and it was soooo good!

Afterwards, we were in bed super early because we planned on leaving Vegas at 4:00 a.m. to head back to SD. The traffic is always awful after Thanksgiving and we wanted to beat it. Luckily, we didn't really hit traffic but it was a little slow because of the rain. All in all, it was a great weekend!

23 November 2016

Stocking Stuffer Gift Guide: for her

I absolutely love stuffing stockings. There's something so fun about squeezing in all the small goodies and surprising people with unexpected gifts. I usually stuff Mark's stocking, my mom's, my mother-in-law's, and I help with my dad's stocking too. I've collected some fun goodies that would even make a great gift for a mom, sister, friend, etc... they don't have to be just for stockings. I hope this helps with some of your Christmas shopping!

Talking As Fast As I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls by Lauren Graham

This is perfect for all your Gilmore Girl fans! I always like to include a book or even a movie. This book and this movie would also be another good choice. 

Bauble Bar Necklace

Such a steal for only $9 and perfect for layering!

bareMinerals Marvelous Moxie Lip Glosses

I love these lip glosses and this little set is adorable.

Tassel Keychain

So cute and who doesn't love tassels??

Birchwood Pine Nest Candle

This is my favorite candle of all time. The Birchwood pine scent is so fresh and totally embodies Christmas. They have small tea light candles that will be perfect for a stocking. 

Essie Nail Polish

These nail polishes are designed to last as long as gel polish. This color is also super fun for the holidays and can be worn all year long.

Sephora Hand Mask

Jennifer at Pretty Neat Living talks about these hand masks all the time. I think this is a great gift for anyone who struggles with dry hands during the winter. I'm giving these to lots of friends and they will be in the stockings I stuff as well. Such a nice treat for yourself!

Pom Beanie

This is just plain adorable!

Benefit Blush

This blush is universally flattering and is an everyday color. I love that it's in a mini size, so it's perfect for travel.

Fuzzy Socks

You can't have enough fuzzy socks. They are perfect for around the house on chilly days. 

21 November 2016

Weekend Recap {Mark's 30th Birthday}

Happy Monday everyone! Can you believe it's Thanksgiving week?? I'm so excited! I feel like the holidays are finally upon us and I couldn't be happier. I LOVE decorating, drinking hot apple cider, Christmas shopping, wrapping, etc. This time of year is magical!

We had quite the busy weekend because we threw our first big shindig at the new house. We had a LOT of people here but it was a great time. My parents and Mark's mom got here Saturday afternoon to help me prep food and get the house decorated. I did some of the work on Friday but I was so happy to have them here to help. My mom is a great hostess and throws parties all the time, I'm learning :)

Mark's party was a lumberjack theme and we asked everyone to wear a plaid. It was so fun to have a theme that wasn't super demanding. I know most of the time people get irritated when they have to find a costume but almost everyone has a plaid :) For the food, we had a taco bar with pulled pork and carne asada tacos. People pitched in with 7-layer dip, rice & beans, guacamole, ceviche, and lots more. I LOVE Mexican food! We have so many leftovers... I think we overestimated a tad lol!

This weekend was just another reminder of how many wonderful people we have in our lives. Mark was surrounded with family and friends on his big day and so many people chipped in with food, drinks, setup, and cleanup. Some people even came in from out of town. I found myself getting a little teary-eyed when thinking about all these amazing people. THANK YOU for being such good friends. We love you and appreciate you more than you know!

I was terrible about taking pictures and barely have any of the decor, but hopefully you get the idea. Picture dump in 3, 2, 1...

picture via this Etsy shop

This is before all the food was set out but you get the idea :) Hi Lauren!

My MIL :)

Birthday boy

My madre 

My girls... missing a few!

On Sunday, we went to breakfast with our family and Katie and Breyen, who came in town for the party. It was sad to say goodbye since we don't get to see these friends all the time. Love you Canfields!

The rest of the day was spent relaxing at the house, watching football, playing games, and snacking on all the leftovers. We had a great weekend and I'm already sad that it's over. The good news is that we are heading home to Vegas in just a couple days! YAY! 

Have a wonderful week everyone!

19 November 2016

Happy 30th Birthday Mark

It's my hubby's 30th birthday today! As this post goes up, I'm probably in full freak out mode trying to get the house ready for the party :) I would love to say I'm calm as a cucumber but that definitely doesn't describe me lol. Anyways, onto the birthday boy...

An oldie (picture, not person lol) but a goodie :)

Mark can be described in so many ways.... crazy, funny, hard-working, wild, intelligent, kind, driven, silly, loving, and thoughtful.
He is my rock, the person who keeps me sane and always focused back on the important things in life.
He is my biggest encourager, always believing in me before I even believe in myself.
He makes me laugh, even when I'm so irritated with him and don't want to smile lol. Aren't men always the best at this???
We have so much fun together whether it's sitting on the couch or driving in a car... he always finds a way to make it silly.

I am so thankful for this man and for the years we've spent together. Gosh, who would have thought 6 years ago that life would have taken us to where we are now? Now, I just keep imagining our future and seeing him as a dad. I know he's going to be incredible. Thank you Lord for bringing him into my life. And thank you Lauren and Doug for raising such a good man. I'm so grateful!

Now back to cleaning and cooking to get ready for tonight. Happy Birthday baby!

16 November 2016

Girlfriends Gift Guide 2016

Hey everyone! It's that time of year again! I love love love gift giving. It's such a fun way to celebrate Christmas and tell someone you love them. I had about a million ideas but I finally narrowed it down to these items. I think I have something for every girlfriend on your list, so let's get started.

Sequin tumbler

How fun is this tumbler?? I think it makes a great gift for anyone on your list because who doesn't love a cute cup to drink out of?? I use my hydro flask every single day but I love that this one has a little flair. If the sequins aren't  your style, think of getting them a hydro flask or go big with a yeti tumbler and get it personalized with a decal. 

Sonix phone charger

When I was at the R+F convention in Vegas, I realized how essential it is to have a portable charger. I was on my phone a ton and it kept dying. Thank the Lord, my dad let me borrow his! Now I want my own charger and how adorable is this Sonix version?? This is perfect for the girl on the go. 

Kate Spade cardholder

This adorable cardholder is perfect for the holidays because you can just throw it in your clutch and not have to worry about a bulky wallet. Plus how adorable is the polka dot print??  Also, count on me saying adorable at least 30 more times in this post lol.

Buxom lip cream

I love the Buxom lip glosses and this lip cream looks like the perfect nude color for anyone. The little holiday addition is even cuter than normal! We could always use one more lip gloss right?? :)

Shauna Niequist books

I absolutely love Shauna Niequist. Her books are honest and raw, they will make you laugh, and I feel like she really gets to the heart of the issues that a lot of women face. Present Over Perfect is her newest book and I can't wait to read it. Some other great books by her are Cold Tangerines, Bread & Wine, and Bittersweet. Great gift for the book lover in your life!


I think pajamas are such a fun gift for a girlfriend. I definitely don't spend money on cute PJs when it comes to buying for myself, and I can imagine my friends are the same way. This nightgown looks super soft and comfy, especially for our not-so-cold "winter" nights in SD. 

These wine glasses are perfect for the holidays but are also usable for the entire year. I love how simple they are but add a festive touch to your normal glassware. They are a great gift for any wine lover in your life.

Handmade jewelry

Isn't that necklace beautiful?? It was made by my super talented cousin, Laura. She also made my jewelry for my wedding, including my headpiece. I LOVED it! She has an adorable Etsy shop, Kyoko Town, with some great handmade gifts. I have a necklace similar to this one (that she made me) and I wear it all the time. I think things with a personal touch make the best gifts. Plus she can custom make you a piece, so fun!! Head on over to her shop or her Instagram to see new items.

**This last one isn't pictured above but I couldn't leave it out because it's such a great gift idea. As you know, I am a HUGE fan of Rodan+ Fields products and the newest product, Lash Boost, is no exception. It's a nightly lash conditioning serum that gives you longer looking, fuller looking, and darker looking lashes.  I've been using it for 4 weeks and I definitely notice a difference in my lashes. My hubby has even commented several times and he doesn't normally notice stuff like that! You know it's good if men notice lol! Right now, the company is running a holiday special that includes a free mini eye cream and an adorable eyelash bag. Such a fun gift for any girlfriend!

 I would love to hear what you're getting your girlfriends. Comment below with some new ideas for all of us! :) 

10 November 2016

Five on Friday {Veteran's Day}

photo cred: Mark 

Happy Friday everyone! I'm so glad it's the weekend, aren't you?? Who doesn't love a Friday? :) Today I am extra grateful because it's the day that we stop and remember our Veterans and the selfless sacrifices they have made for our country. Take a moment... say a prayer, shake a hand, buy a meal, or hug someone that has defended our great nation. Remember that no matter where you fall in the political spectrum, there are still people out there who believe in what our country stands for and are defending those ideals from thousands of miles away from their loved ones.  Thank you to all of those who have served and continue to serve.

Last year, I shared a little story of how someone really impacted us by their generosity. To see the post, click here.

1- Take Me Back

On Monday, we got home from our long weekend in Michigan and I'm already wanting to go back. We had such a great time. If you want to see all our pics, click here to see the full post. 

2- Gilmore Girls Trailer

Okay, you've all probably seen this already but this has me SO excited. I can't wait to watch the episodes that are releasing the day after Thanksgiving. My mom and I are already planning a girls night to celebrate!

3- Target's Holiday Collection

buy it here

I'm pretty much obsessed with Target's holiday collection that is out right now. I don't want to blow by Thanksgiving but these items have me so excited to decorate for Christmas! I bought these place mats this week and I'm eyeing everything else, for the moment haha! I'm making myself wait though! 

How cute is this pillow??? I want this one and also this plaid pillow

4- The Magnolia Story 

I bought this book while on our trip and I finished it within two days. It was an easy read but also so good at the same time.  I loved Joanna and Chip before I read the book and now I'm even more obsessed with them. Their personalities really shone through and it was so neat to hear about their humble beginnings. They are seriously the cutest! This is a must read.

5- Perfect Winter Clutch

I saw this clutch a few weeks ago at Old Navy and I'm pretty obsessed with it. I love the deep wine color and the velvet texture. I think it will just add a pop of something special to a holiday outfit. I guess, I need to add this to my collection lol! :) 

Bonus 6: Conference Week

Last week was conference week and oh man I am excited that it's over. This is one of my favorite memes that describes what happens at conferences haha!

09 November 2016

GIANT Weekend Recap {Michigan}

Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday! I can't believe how fast this weekend went by... makes me so sad. If you follow me on social media, you know that we were in Michigan all weekend for a surprise trip for my hubby. I told him Wednesday night that we were going on a trip, but didn't tell him where until we got to the airport on Friday. I love surprises and it's even more fun when you are the on planning them!!

I have soooo many pictures from this weekend so prepare yourself lol!

We got to the airport in the afternoon on Friday and then flew to Chicago before landing in Flint. We were so excited when we finally got to my Grammie's and Aunt Christy's house but we had to go right to bed because 7 a.m. was going to come very early. That's 4 a.m. our time! We headed out early for the tailgate and met up with my Uncle, his girlfriend, and my cousins. So fun to see everyone! The main reason for us going to Michigan was so Mark could attend his first U of M game. It's an experience especially if you've never been to the Big House.

The day couldn't have been more perfect. The weather was cool enough in the morning for a vest and boots and warmed up in the afternoon. I was so excited to finally wear some fall clothes. Also, can you believe the trees?? So pretty!

Uncle J and Aunt Christy

Emma, Uncle Jeremy, and Kyler

On Sunday, Mark and I woke up early and took a walk around their town. So cute! The leaves were amazing and we took about a million pictures of the scenery. We had breakfast a cute little place and the sandwiches were so good!

Later on, we went to a nearby apple orchard and had the most amazing fresh donuts I have ever had. HOLY MOLY!!

The next morning, Mark and I took a walk again and went to a few stores that were closed on Sunday. We ventured into a cute little bookstore and purchased a couple books. I know that they are WAY cheaper on Amazon but we couldn't help ourselves! :)

We had the BEST weekend and I'm so sad that it's already over. I'm so grateful that we had the opportunity to see my fam and also give Mark a pretty awesome birthday weekend. :)