28 February 2017

Weekend Recap {Team Training}

Leader's luncheon

Happy Tuesday everyone! Yesterday just flew by and I didn't get this up in time, whoops! It was a VERY rainy day here in San Diego, which was great for the drought but bad for teachers haha. It's not fun to be stuck in the classroom all day, when the kids just really want to play. :)

This weekend was pretty low key because I wasn't feeling 100%. I feel like I'm coming down with something but not sick enough to not go to work. I just feel kinda blah and have had a rockin' headache all weekend. I'm hoping that I won't actually get sick and can fight this off quickly :)

On Friday, I went to coffee with a childhood friend who I haven't seen in years. It was so nice to catch up and to meet one of her sons. It's crazy how much has changed but at the same time it felt very relaxed and like old times.

Saturday was a full day of Rodan+Fields because we had a team training in the morning and then a leader's luncheon in the afternoon. I always feel so inspired and motivated by these trainings. I love the people I work with and our leadership is top notch. I ended up crying my face off, when I shared my "why" for doing the biz :) It's hard to be vulnerable but always feels good when you let it out!

I qualified for a leader's luncheon and I was soooo excited. Just another great perk of this biz :)

Lazy dogs :)

On Sunday, I stayed in bed for awhile watching Parenthood because I just didn't feel great. I ventured out to run errands and to grocery shop. I ended up going to the mall with a friend as well. The rest of the day was spent cleaning, doing laundry, making dinner, and getting ready for the week.

Brown butter spagthetti squash with goat cheese crumbled on top- YUM!

Like I said, it was pretty low key but I like to have some down time before the week starts. I hope you all have a great week! :)

24 February 2017

Five on Friday {Lauren Graham Obsession+ This Week}

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great week. I was off of school this week, so it was nice to have some down time. :) I was able to further my obsession with the show, Parenthood lol. I'll talk about that more below! Let's jump in!

One- Parenthood

image via

I don't know how I missed the boat with this one but I just recently discovered it and now I am OBSESSED! It really stems from my love for Lauren Graham but now I can't stop watching the show. I pretty much cry every other episode... it's bad lol! I was up until midnight watching it last night. Whoops! If you haven't watched the show, jump on Parenthood and prepare to not venture out of your house for weeks!

Two- Talking as Fast as I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls

Like I said above, I have an obsession with Lauren Graham. It started years ago when I watched Gilmore Girls and I just continued to worship her. I love her character Lorelai and I want to believe she's like that in real life :) 

I just finished her book, Talking as Fast as I Can, and I loved learning about her life. I actually listened to the audiobook and it was read by her, so it was even better!  It always fascinates me how people get into acting and manage to stay in the career. It just seems extremely hard to be successful. She talks about her childhood, the movies and shows she been in, and a little about her personal life. This is where I learned about Parenthood and immediately started watching. She talked about how close the cast was and how it felt like a big family. I love that and it just makes the show so much better.

Three- Someday, Someday, Maybe

I also just finished her novel, Someday, Someday, Maybe. I know, I need to find some other interest lol. The book was pretty good but I was getting confused between the main character Franny and the stories in Lauren's other book. She says that the novel isn't based on her life but it's hard not to piece the two together. I would recommend it but not back to back with her other book. 

Four- Spending time with the Canfields

Finally, something else besides Lauren Graham lol!! I was in Vegas for a few days this week and I was able to see some friends on Wednesday night. I love spending time with this little guy and I am so sad every time I realize how big he is getting. Stay little forever!!

Five- New wallet

I've been on the hunt for a new wallet for quite some time. I knew I wanted a nice wallet, that zipped all the way around. I didn't want it to be too giant, but not too small either. I sound so high maintenance lol. I've been using this little Coach cardholder for a long time now and just missed having a wallet that was big enough to fit everything in it. Finally, I found the perfect one! I got it at Nordstrom Rack for a great deal! I couldn't find the same wallet online though... sorry!

16 February 2017

Feeling the Blues

Top row- left to right:  One  |  Two |  Three
Bottom row- left to right:  One  |  Two |  Three

I am pretty basic when it comes to my wardrobe. I love solid colors and stripes haha! There is also an abundance of blue in my closet but I just love it. I think navy blue looks good on everyone and it's so easy to pair with tan sandals or ankle boots.

I've been eyeing a lot of dresses lately because I'm ready for out typical San Diego weather to come back. It's already starting to feel like spring... hallelujah! I wanted to share some really cute things that I've found lately. Since, we aren't quite to dress weather, I would pair all of these dresses with a jean jacket. This one from Old Navy is a great price and fits really well.

The first dress on the top left is from Tobi.com and is sooo comfortable. This would be super cute with tan fringe ankle boots now and sandals in the summer. I also see this as a cute coverup for the beach.

The flowery dress is from Target and you can't go wrong with this cute print. I love the cold shoulder aspect and the cute ruffle of the sleeve too.

The bottom left is from the Loft and I got this about a month ago. I haven't worn it yet because my legs are so white lol. I need to use my R+F sunless tanner asap! I think this would be super cute dressed up a bit with fun earrings and wedges. I can't wait to wear this. Also, it's currently 40% off!

The embroidered dress has my name written all over it. I love the flowy shape of the dress but the top adds something different and fun. This is perfect for work because it has sleeves but would also be cute dressed down in some flip flops. This makes me want to go on vacation lol!

The last dress on the bottom right is also a Tobi dress. I love the inexpensive prices of their clothing but they are still pretty good quality. This dress caught my eye because of the tiered design. This is great for hiding the mid-section, without it looking like you're wearing a bag. I mean, I do love a good bag look lol but most people want to have a shape. The tie is adjustable too, so you can change the length and how much of your back is exposed.

14 February 2017

My Forever Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!! I am missing my valentine today but we are going to celebrate when he's back in town.

I am so incredibly grateful for my sweet husband. He goes above and beyond to make me feel loved every single day. He makes me laugh and not take life too seriously and let's be honest, we could all do with some laughter and fun! :) He pushes me to be the best version of myself and always believes that I can and will succeed. I still get butterflies when I see him and swear that I'm even more in love with him now than I was on our wedding day. He's the best :) Okay, gush session over!!

I hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating with your loved ones, whether that's with a significant other or girlfriends. :)

13 February 2017

Valentine's Date Night Outfit Inspiration

One   |   Two  |   Three
Four  |  Five  |  Six  |  Seven

Valentine's day is tomorrow! Can you believe it? I feel like it snuck up on me this year and to be honest, Mark is never here on Valentine's day so we rarely celebrate it anyways lol. I still think it's fun to put together a new outfit and go out with girlfriends, which is exactly what I plan on doing. Plus since I'm a teacher, we always celebrate at school. Who doesn't love cute little character valentines from kids??

As far as clothes go, I love the traditional pinks and reds for Valentine's day but in a more edgy way. I'm definitely not a pink girly-girl :) Adding in ripped jeans, peep-toe booties, and a leather jacket takes this date night look up a notch.

The first outfit idea is this off the shoulder sweater dress from Tobi.com. I like that it shows a little bit of your shoulders but it doesn't look like everything is hanging out lol. The dress was a little short on me so I paired it with the skinny jeans or even leather leggings would be super cute too. It's also really cozy and can be pulled up on the top, so it doesn't expose the shoulders. These leather leggings would also look great with the dress.

The next option is something a little more casual. The light pink color of the long-sleeved top is girly, fun, and an easy go-to. The peep-toe booties and earrings would jazz it up but would still be appropriate for a less fancy night out. I have the gray version of this shirt and I LOVE how comfortable it is to wear. The asymmetric top also adds a bit of interest. This necklace would also look super cute, if you wanted to ditch the earrings.

The last option is this fun peplum top from Nordstrom. I love the ruffles on the sleeves and the  overall flattering style. I have this top in black and wore it on my birthday. It is super comfortable but can be easily dressed up with fun earrings or a necklace. It is also the perfect length with the leather jacket and hits at a very flattering spot. Win win :)

What are you wearing for your Valentine's date night??

09 February 2017

My Top 5 Reads of 2016

As you know, if you've read any of my blogs lol, I LOVE to read. I constantly have an audiobook playing and am usually reading a couple of books as well. I just love the feeling of diving into another time and place. It's how I "relax" and unwind, even if the book is suspenseful, and many of my faves fall under that category! Here are my top 5 out of the books I read in 2016. If you want to see the entire list, click here.

All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda

This was hands-down my favorite book of the year. It was so unique in the sense that it is told backwards. You find out about a girl who has gone missing and then you slowly make you way back to day one, that leads to her disappearance.  It's so interesting and keeps you on your toes, thinking, wait... what happened?? I love books that confuse me and that I can't pinpoint exactly who is guilty or not. To see my full book over-review click here

Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter

This was one of the most disturbing and bone-chillingly creepy books but I couldn't put it down. The suspense about killed me lol. The book is about a series of murders that a woman uncovers in some documents on her husband's computer. She tries to solve the murders and find the link between the information and her husband. As you watch her dig deeper, you become more and more creeped out with what is happening. Don't read it while you're alone lol! You watch her uncover the truth and place herself in direct danger of being the next victim. Such a great read!

Secrets of a Charmed Life by Susan Meissner 

This book is very different than the two previously mentioned. Secrets of a Charmed Life is set during the London Blitz in World War II. It follows the story of two sisters who are sent away during the bombings, in hopes that they would be safe.  Life takes a detour and they decide to head back to London, but they have picked the worst time to travel. The story follows their journey through London, searching for their mom and for each other. It is heart wrenching but rich with history and hardships. A must-read! Read my full book over-review here

The Dollhouse by Fiona Davis

This was a book club pick from a few months back and we all loved it. Book club is great for getting me out of my comfort zone with my book choices. As you can tell, I love suspenseful books or anything set during WWII. I'm pretty predictable lol! Thankfully this book doesn't fall in either category and is something new. It's set during the 1950's in New York City, at the iconic Barbizon hotel. This hotel was a dorm of sorts for aspiring models, secretaries, and editors during this time. It was a "safe" and respectable place for women to live while trying to make it in the big city or until they got married. The story switches back and forth from the past and present, following the lives of two women. I don't want to give too much away, so just go read it :)

The Milliner's Secret by Natalie Meg Evans

This book is also set during WWII... shocking, I know! It follows the life of Cora, a young woman in France, trying to make her way as a hat maker. She has reinvented herself to hide from the Nazis, since she is a Londoner by birth. Once again, you are privy to the underground life during the war, and you see just how people survive in such dangerous times. This is a long-winded book but also so interesting. See my full book over-review here

07 February 2017

Surprise Birthday Weekend

I don't even know where to start when it comes to this past weekend. It was the BEST weekend ever minus our wedding lol. I was surrounded by so many people I love and was utterly shocked by everything they planned for me. I guess, I should start in the beginning lol.

A few weeks ago, Mark told me he planned a "staycation" for my 30th birthday on the weekend of Feb. 4th. My actual birthday is the 11th but he's going to be out of town for work. I am the worst when I know I have a surprise coming because I start asking a million questions and snoop into everything lol. I tried to be good because I truly didn't want to ruin the surprise.

On Friday, he told me to be ready by 5:30 and gave me some sort of idea of what to pack. I was ready and we headed off to his aunt and uncle's house to drop off the pups. After we left their house, he told me we were going to Palm Desert. I was surprised but also suspicious because he told me to get completely ready before we left and that's quite a drive. He took several detours to throw me off and then all of a sudden we pulled into an Inn in Temecula. We checked in and head to our room. He was trying to stall so we sat out on the balcony for a little until our reservation. We walked over to the restaurant and then they led us to a back room where SURPRISE, my family and friends were waiting for me. I was shocked and I think this picture pretty much sums up my emotions. I started balling because I saw everyone there and even my Grammie came from Michigan! We had a super yummy dinner and then I found out that there were more surprises coming in the morning. :)

The next day, they had a party bus pick us up to take us to a few wineries. The bus was decked out with birthday party decor. So fun! The extra surprise was that my friends Emily, Dina, and Will joined us on the winery tour. :) We went to three different wineries and tried LOTS of wine. Then we ended the tour with a picnic style lunch with sandwiches from Great Harvest. For a person who had just got done with Whole30, bread sounded amazing lol!

Afterwards, we went back to the hotel and relaxed for awhile before dinner. It was nice to just sit outside and chat with the girls. We even walked around the property before we realized how cold it was and went back inside lol!

We had dinner in Old Town at a Mexican restaurant. The food was soooo good! Oh how I missed tortilla chips!  After we ate, the guys headed back to the hotel and the girls went to a restaurant down the street, that had live music. It was relaxing and low key... definitely my style. :) We didn't stay out long and went back to the hotel to just hang out.

The next morning we had to say goodbye to everyone. Ugh, I hate goodbyes. I had such an amazing weekend and I couldn't accurately convey how grateful I was/ am that they wanted to do something so special for me. I've always struggled when it comes to my friend groups. I've never quite felt like I fit in but these people in my life just make me feel so loved and accepted. I can't even tell you how good that feels. I am so grateful for the people who came and even those who weren't able to make it. I have the BEST family and friends. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for loving me so well. Thank you to my mom and Mark for planning this shindig. You're the best! I am in tears just thinking about you all! :)

**A special thanks to Aunty Kathy for taking so many pictures!!! :)

03 February 2017

Whole30 Diaries: The Home Stretch

We are officially done with Whole30! YAY!!!!! Even though I'm done, I haven't really stopped eating the Whole30 way. The only thing I've had this is not compliant is a little vanilla in my latte and some honey in a sauce I made for my chicken yesterday. The latte tasted sooo sweet though.. yuck! I don't want to ruin my results and go back to how I used to eat. I do plan on splurging a little this week though. :)

What we ate:

I lost some steam this week when it came to making new and different recipes. So some of these are repeats. Sorry!

Monday: Tacos using the Against All Grain taco seasoning recipe and Siete almond flour tortillas. Disclaimer: tortillas are not compliant, even though the ingredients were fine :)

Tuesday: Breakfast for dinner- sweet potato hash, scrambled eggs, and sausage.

Wednesday: Spaghetti squash with homemade meat-sauce and roasted green beans. The green beans were sooooo good!

Thursday: Slow-cooker pork with raisins, almonds, and roasted peppers. I made it into a salad and used salsa as dressing. YUM! You can also use the pork to make tortilla soup- the tortillas lol

Friday: Out to eat- meat and veggie kabobs from Fireside

Saturday: not pictured- we had a sweet potato chili at a friend's house
Sunday- Breakfast- sweet potato hash, chicken sausage, and a banana with cinnamon

 Sunday- Egg drop soup with leftover pulled pork and green onions. SOOO good!

Monday: roasted chicken and broccoli

Tuesday: not pictured- Italian roast and veggies


I feel great! I know I've lost some weight and I truly haven't had any stomach issues that I normally do. I feel energized most days, other than just being worn out by life lol. I am definitely not craving sugary foods like I was before. I've been around gingerbread cookies, candy galore, and cupcakes in the last two days and haven't felt the urge to eat any. YAY! I do miss chocolate but the craving isn't there, which is exciting! 


I haven't really tried any new food this week but I am still loving the RX bars, especially the blueberry kind. I also really love the Dasani raspberry lemonade sparkling water but it has sodium in it, which I was surprised about. I thought that most of the sparkling waters were sodium and sugar free. I dunno, it's still yummy!


Pizza. I REALLY want pizza but I'm scared to eat it because I think my body is going to freak out a bit. I haven't had any gluten or dairy :( I think I'll finally eat some this weekend though!

Final thoughts about Whole30-

I always love my results because I sleep better, feel more energized, and I lose weight. It's really hard to sustain it for long-term though. At some point, I want to drink a beer and have pizza lol. Not saying that I need those things ALL the time but the Whole30 helps me practice moderation afterwards.

Overall, I think the program is great if you want to eliminate some bad habits or see how certain food effect you. When you take beans out of your diet and then realize that you all of a sudden don't have bathroom issues... well there ya go! For me, it really helps with my sugar habit. You don't realize how bad it is until you take it out of your diet and then you realize your addiction is intense. Another great thing is that you start looking at labels so much more. Simple things like yogurt can have a ton of sugar. Even though you don't eat that while your doing Whole30, when you add it back in, you'll be much more conscious of what you are eating. Being aware is key!

If you've been thinking about doing the Whole30, just do it! There are so many resources out there to help you and give you some meal inspiration. Yes, it's a little more expensive than normal grocery weeks, and yes it's annoying to do all the dishes and constantly cook. Your health is worth it though! Also, I really recommend starting at the beginning of the month because it's just so much easier to track your days. :) Good luck on your Whole30 journey!

Check out my past posts here: