28 April 2017

Five on Friday (Faves)

Happy Friday everyone! Wow, this week was a whirlwind!! It's going to stay busy because I'm heading to Vegas after school for a good friend's wedding. Please pray that traffic isn't a nightmare lol!! I haven't done a Five on Friday post in awhile so here we go...

1- Girl Time

I spent some much needed time with my girlfriends this past weekend. Two of my good friends were celebrating birthdays and it was so much fun! There's just something about being with people who  get you :) Love them!

2- The Perfect Stranger

Buy the book here

If you have read any of my previous book posts you know that I love a good thriller. One of my fave books from last year was All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda. She just came out with another book and I couldn't wait to devour it. I read it on the plane on my way to Nashville and WOW it was good. Definitely add this to your list and if you haven't read All the Missing Girls, get it ASAP. 

3- Big Little Lies

image via

I finally finished Big Little Lies and wow it was good! I'm glad they changed the series a little bit and didn't make it exactly like the book. Don't get me wrong, I loved the book. I was just happy to be a little surprised in some moments of the show. My friend Dina was talking about how well they cast this show and I couldn't agree more. The characters were perfect! This is definitely binge worthy!

4- Peach Palette

I finally got my hands on the peach palette by Too Faced and so far I really like it. I already own the original chocolate palette and also the semi-sweet version and I love them both. They've been my go-to for awhile so I was so excited to see that they came out with a peach version. My only complaint so far is that the shadows have a lot of fall out. I haven't had that same issue with the first two so I've just had to adjust how I apply them. Not that big of a deal though :) Also, if you're into peach scents, you'll so LOVE this palette!

5- Better Man

Have you heard the Little Big Town song Better Man??? I'm obsessed! Disclaimer: this is not how I feel about my husband lol, I just like the song. It's been my jam lately and I've been listening to it on repeat. 

24 April 2017

Our Trip to Nashville

Happy Monday everyone! I'm sorry I've been so MIA but we've had a busy couple of weeks. I'm back home now and starting school again tomorrow. How is it that break flies by so quickly?? Even though I'm complaining, I am excited to see my work friends tomorrow and the kiddos too. :)

My hubby was driving across country a couple weeks ago and I joined him in Nashville to finish off the drive. We stayed there for just a couple of days but oh my gosh, we had a blast!

Friday morning we started our day off with a workout and then checked into our other hotel. We ended up staying in the Springhill Suites in the West End and LOVED it. The hotel was super nice and close to some fun places. We walked to Hattie B's to get some of the famous hot chicken. The line was crazy so we ordered it to-go and popped into a place next door to wait. The chicken was the best we had all weekend and let me tell ya, we had a TON of hot chicken lol.

We decided to go to the Carter House in Franklin to learn about the Battle of Franklin. Mark loves history and was all about it! It was super interesting to take a tour through this house that was the center of a battle during the Civil War.

Mark is checking out some of the damage done to one of the places on the property
We also had coffee at a cute place in the downtown area of Franklin and checked out some of the shops.

Afterwards, we headed back to the hotel to get ready for the night. Our first stop was at Tootsies to hear some live music and check out the iconic bar. The music was great and the atmosphere was so much fun! Then it was time for our reservation at Puckett's. We walked there and were so excited to be seated right next to the stage. A bluegrass band was playing that night and we had a blast. Definitely make a reservation here if you are visiting Nashville.

More chicken... shocking lol!

We ended the night at Honky Tonk Central which was also super fun but much more rowdy!

On Saturday, we had breakfast at the hotel and then we walked to a coffee shop. I can't remember the name of it for the life of me lol but I was unimpressed. I worked on my business for a little while and Mark went for a run. He's much more motivated than me lol. We decided to go Fort Negley to check out some more Civil War history. This Fort was pretty neat but not as cool as the forts we saw in Savannah :)

We had lunch at Party Fowl and once again had more hot chicken lol.  I had mine in the form of a salad so I felt slightly better about my choice lol. Then we headed to the Country Music Hall of Fame. WOW, there is so much to see and we had a great time exploring there.

Afterwards, we went back to the hotel to get ready for the Grand Ole Opry. Unfortunately, I messed up the time and we got there an hour late. I was so sad but we still got to see a bunch of people play and we had a blast. This was a bucket lister for me so I was so excited that we got tickets. We saw Ricky Skaggs, Chris Janson, Charles Esten (plays Deacon on Nashville), and so many others. You MUST go to the Opry while you're in Nashville.

We met up with my friend Wendy at a bar on Lower Broadway after the Opry show. It was great to see her after all these years and meet her husband too. 

On Sunday, we got up early and headed to church. We went to a Presbyterian church downtown that was super interesting haha. It was a nice service but just not my favorite church. Afterwards, we bid farewell to this fun city and headed back on the road towards Virginia. I am so glad that we were able to do this fun trip together. I love exploring new places with my hubby. :)

Happy Easter!

12 April 2017

Current Trend: Off the Shoulder

Blue gingham  |  Blue  |  Taupe

I have been loving all the off the shoulder/ cold shoulder tops. There are so many options out there so I have compiled some of my faves, including this adorable floral dress. I like that it highlights an area that most women feel confident about and can be flowy on the bottom to hide the other parts haha :) I am all about flowy tops!

I just recently purchased the blue and white striped top (center of the top row) from the Loft and I love it! It's so comfy and looks really cute on. It's hard to tell the fit in this picture, but you get the idea ;)

I think the long-sleeve versions are a great way to transition into spring. Most nights are still cool enough that I want my arms covered, so this top is perfect! It would also look cute with colored jeans, like a coral or yellow.

10 April 2017

Weekend Recap {Farewell in Vegas}

Happy Monday everyone! I am writing this on Sunday night after a fun-filled weekend in Vegas. No, not that kind of Vegas lol... we are from here so we don't do the whole casino scene. We spent the weekend with friends and family before Mark is gone for a little bit for work.

The weekend started with our long drive to Vegas. Every time we drive there, it seems to take longer and longer lol. We left in the early afternoon, so it wasn't terrible but still tiring. We had dinner with our family and some friends when we got into town.

On Saturday, the guys golfed and my mom and I went shopping. The Loft had so many cute things!! We had lunch out together too, which was so nice. Then it was time to get ready for the BBQ at my parents house. It was great to see some old friends and spend time with everyone.

On Sunday, we went to brunch with the Canfields, my parents, my brother,  and Mark's mom. We ate at the Kitchen Table and it was soooo good! We spent the rest of the day hanging at the house, watching the Masters and the last Red Wings game at the Joe. It was a relaxing day!

Just 3.5 more days of school and then off to Nashville! Woohoo!

03 April 2017

Weekend Recap {Playing Tourist}

Good morning everyone! Wow, we had a whirlwind of a weekend and I am exhausted today lol. It was Mark's last weekend in SD, so we didn't make a ton of set plans. We wanted to keep things open to whatever we felt like doing :)

On Friday, we went and had pizza in Coronado and then had ice cream at Moo Time. So yummy! We drove around the island for awhile, looking at all our favorite houses. We got home pretty early and I jumped onto a business meeting with some of my teammates. It was month-end and LOTS of exciting things were happening for our team. It was a super late night but worth every minute to be able to celebrate with the girls.

My head is cut off but you get the idea :)

On Saturday, Mark has some errands to run in the morning, so I cleaned and took the dogs to get their hair cut. I need to get a picture of them sitting still so I can show you guys. They look adorable! Later on, we met up with some friends in Coronado. They were watching the South Carolina v. Gonzaga game. We ended up staying in Coronado for the rest of the night, just riding our bikes to different bars/ restaurants. Such a random night but it was a blast!

We had a lazy morning on Sunday, even though we both got up early. Mark decided he wanted to go to the Star of India down in the harbor because he's never been. We decided to take our beach cruisers since it was only about 4 miles away. We ended up riding around downtown to different touristy spots and had lunch at Ironsides. The lunch was incredible! Lobster roll for the win :) It was the perfect weather and such a beautiful day in San Diego.

On Sunday night, we went to dinner with Mark's cousins and then saw Beauty and the Beast. I'm sure a ton of you have already seen it but WOW it was so good. I definitely had a few tears at the end lol. I'm such a sucker for movies like this.

As I said before, it was a jam-packed weekend but so much fun to get to do so many San Diego things with my hubby. I'm ready to tackle the week, but first coffee. :)