24 July 2017

Week Recap {Baseball & Birthday}

He's so cute!

Hi everyone! I'm currently drinking coffee and eating breakfast without rushing around. Gosh I love summer lol. I've been in Las Vegas for the last few weeks visiting my family before I head across country. This past week was pretty low key but I also had something going on every day. We spent a ton of time in the pool, reading new books, and watching Big Brother. I actually really like to be busy, so the combo of both has been really nice.

My brother in law is back in Vegas for a little bit playing ball so we went to a couple games this week. Jax and Davy love seeing Uncle Chasey play. They are adorable!

The only one out there signing balls! 

Photo cred: Breyen 
The Canfields came over this week to go swimming and there was no shortage of cuteness from the little dude.

Photo cred: Breyen
On Saturday, we celebrated my mom's birthday. We went to pilates together and spent the day in the pool. Later on, we had dinner and then a party at the house. It turns out that it was actually a joint party for me too, but it took me awhile to figure that out lol.  I was more worried about getting Oliver away from Jax because he isn't the best with kids. Whoops lol! It was so sweet of them to plan this little shindig to send me off to Virginia Beach!

My fam

hahaha I love my mom's face here!

It was a great weekend and now I'm ready to start checking some things off my list and preparing to leave this week. Ahh so crazy that it's actually here. I hope you all have a great week!

21 July 2017

Dealing with Change

As you may have noticed, things are changing in a BIG way around here. We are moving across the country so that means a new state, a new home, a new job, new friends, etc. It's a little nerve-racking to say the least but we are excited about a new adventure.

Anyone who knows me knows that I don't deal with change very well. I am a creature of habit in a lot of ways and I get very comfortable with my job, my routine, and my everyday comforts. Well the Lord is throwing a wrench in my plans and is making me get out of that comfort zone. I think that's a good thing though. We can't grow if we don't change, right??

Someone said to me, if you had never moved to San Diego you wouldn't have met your friends there. So true! We have to change and experience something new so we have the opportunity for different people to come into our lives. That being said, I have a great support system in San Diego and I'm so sad to be leaving them.  I have also loved being so close to our friends and family in Nevada too. I'm secretly hoping that they all join us in Virginia sooner than later. :)

Since I knew that this change was a possibility for awhile now, I started mentally preparing myself. I read several books and prayed that the Lord would provide for us in our new home. One of my favorite books I read was, Girl Meets Change: Truths to Carry You Through Life's Transitions by Kristen Strong.  She's a fellow military spouse and has LOTS of experience moving from place to place. I have to stay that I am very thankful that for the most part, the military keeps us in one place because I know that other families move a ton.

Kristen gives advice on transitioning and making the best of your circumstance. One of my favorite quotes is, "If God is sending you to a new place, he's sending you with a promise." It's not something to fear or dread, because the Lord is providing this change. There's a purpose and a clear direction that the Lord is sending you to and that's what we should want, a clear purpose for our lives. Standing still and firm in one place (literally or figuratively) takes the freedom of growth away from us. Movement and change are created to twist and mold us into better versions of ourselves.

Over the past several months I have applied to countless schools and districts. I've had to revamp my resume, cover letter, and brush up on my interview skills. These are not things that people normally look forward to lol. Actually, it was a pain in the booty but you know what?? I learned a lot from having to do those things. I feel that I am actually more confident in myself because I was able to look at my teaching experiences and realized that I AM qualified for many jobs. Now getting interviews was a whole other issue but FINALLY I was hired its a 3rd grade teacher. Hallelujah! It seemed like it was never going to happen, but once again the Lord provided for us.

So is change fun?? Sometimes it can be, that is when it's your idea and your choice but overall it can be really scary. I'm still in the process of all these big changes but I'm trusting that the Lord knows best and he is only going to put me in situations where I can grow and become a better me. I'm sure there will be many tears in the next year but I know it will get better each day.

Thank you to my friends and family for the sweet encouragement over the last few months. I am forever grateful for you!

17 July 2017

Wedding Weekend in Des Moines

Hey there! I hope you all had a good weekend. Mine seriously flew by because we were in Des Moines for my uncle's wedding. We arrived on Thursday and went straight to a sushi restuarant with the family and a bunch of people who were in town for the wedding. It turned into a dance party and was a blast. If you follow me on Instagram, I'm sure you saw ALL the instastories lol.

On Friday, we celebrated my grandma's 75th birthday. We surprised her with having shirts made by my super talented friend... thanks Brittney! They turned out great. We also had brunch at my uncle's house and she opened gifts. I want to look like her when Im 75! Later on, we headed back to the hotel to get ready for the wedding. Everything was in walking distance, which was so nice. Des Moines is seriously adorable!

The wedding was beautiful and the ceremony was very sweet. His kids even gave speeches and they did such a good job! We danced the night away and then went to my uncle's house for an after-party. Such a FUN wedding!

We ended up having to move rooms at 1:30 in the morning since our AC was broken. It was a disaster trying to move ALL of our stuff but ended up being hilarious. It's all about the memories, right?? :)

On Saturday morning we went to the farmer's market down the street. They had tons of vendors set up and we ended up having breakfast nachos. SOOOO good! The rest of the day was spent at a pool party with the wedding guests. My uncle's friend's house was gorgeous!! House goals lol. Afterwards we went to El Bait Shop for a beer before we called it a night.

Sunday morning we got packed up and headed to the airport. The whole weekend went by so fast but we had such a great time. I miss my family already!

12 July 2017

Favorite Summer Purchases

Good morning everyone! I'm currently in Vegas and holy moly it's hot. I haven't lived here during the summer in 7 years so it was a little shock to my system haha. I'm happy to be spending some time with my family though. :)

Summer is well underway so I thought I would share some of my purchases so far. Here we go...

1- Jean shorts

buy them here

I am constantly in jean shorts during the summer. They are easy to throw on and go with pretty much everything. I bought this pair from the Loft this year and I'm LOVING them. They aren't too short but they are still tight enough that they don't look too mature... not trying to wear mom shorts yet. No judgement if that's your thing :) 

2- Peplum top

get it here

I was on the hunt for this top for awhile and finally found it. I originally wanted it in white but settled on this beautiful blue color. SO pretty! I love anything flowy and this is even super flattering on. My go-to way to wear it is with white jeans. 

3- Embroidered Top

buy it here

This top is super cute on and also comes in blue. I have both... whoops haha! It's just super comfy and I love the embroidered detail! 

4- Sam Edelman sandals

buy here

I have several pairs of these Gigi sandals but this color is my fave. It goes with everything!! This is a staple in my closet for sure!

5- One-piece

buy it here

I have been on the hunt for a really cute one-piece that actually fits me lol. I have a long torso so NOTHING ever fits. The back is also super adorable on this suit so I'm excited to actually wear it!

04 July 2017

Weekend Recap {Anniversary & Moving}

So by now you know that we are moving across the country to Virginia Beach, VA. If you're confused then read this post to get caught up :) Most of our week was spent getting ready for the move, waiting for the movers, and just cleaning up after the movers lol. It should have been much easier but it was all a pain in the butt. The saving grace in all this was being together for our anniversary. YAY! This marked 5 years for us and I still can't believe it. Didn't we just get married??

The 29th was our actual anniversary and we spent most of the day at our house sitting around while the packers worked on packing up our lives lol. Mark worked on the backyard a ton to clear out our adorable planters and all the other things Mark built. I will miss all those but I'm excited for him to build more for us ;) After the packers left, we headed to our hotel, got ready, and then made our way to C-Level on Harbor Island. This is one of my favorite restaurants. Yes, it's touristy but it has great food and the views are awesome. That's a win in my book! We had planned on going to a movie later that night so we knew we would be at the restaurant for awhile. We had quite the culinary experience and ordered tons of appetizers over the course of a couple hours. Prepare yourself for food pics :)

We ended our night with coffee and a Mud Pie, which holy moly it was delicious!! We didn't make it to the movie because we were too tired lol. Man we are old. There was just too much going on this week to really celebrate our anniversary but Mark has assured me that we will do something awesome to celebrate after all this craziness is over. :)

On Friday, we got up early to get stuff done and then went to the house to wait for the movers. They ended up being 7 hours late... so that was fun. It was a total wasted day but we couldn't do anything about it. We ended up going to see Baby Driver at the Lot that night though. 1. Baby Driver was awesome and 2. I'm going to miss the Lot :(

Saturday was wonderful because we didn't have to set an alarm, first day all week! We had breakfast at Harbortown where I had donut pancakes. Ugh, I felt so sick afterwards lol. Then we went to the house to patch holes and clean up the rest of the stuff that couldn't be moved. We ran more errands and then went back to the hotel before dinner. We ended up having dinner at Suppanee and it was delicious! Best Thai food I've ever had!

The next morning I had to say goodbye to Mark for at least a month. Ugh, goodbyes are the worst. We've definitely been apart longer but it's always sad no matter how long. I spent the rest of the day with Dina and Meaghan. We had a late brunch at Queenstown in Little Italy and then went shopping. We ended our night with sunset views at Tower 23 in PB. Such a perfect way to end my time in San Diego.

 Like I've said over and over again, I am so thankful for all the incredible people I've met. I'm miss you all already!  I made my way to Vegas this morning to spend a few weeks with my fam before the next adventure begins!

02 July 2017

Surprise! We're Moving

So I have been pretty quiet about this on my blog and social media (until this week) but it's now official and I can talk about it. We are moving to Virginia Beach, VA! As we speak, I am sitting in our boxed up house, waiting for the movers to finally get here. They are almost 6 hours late now. Yay :(

Mark got home last weekend and we've spent the last few days getting our house ready to be packed and moved. It's so crazy to think about leaving San Diego. Mark and I started dating when he was already living here and I was in Las Vegas. I spent almost three years driving back and forth and then four years living here. We have met some of the BEST people while living in SD and have loved being near some of Mark's family. I have a big support group here with some of the most genuine and kind women I've ever met. I also had a job that I LOVED and worked with such amazing people. This is also where we spent our first married years and finally moved into our perfect little beach cottage last year. I still can't believe that as of tomorrow, it won't be ours any more. Wow, can I make this any ore depressing lol???

On a happier note, I'm super excited to be living in a new city and to be close to so many places we've never visited. The east coast will be a BIG change for us but I'm ready for the adventure. Well, I say that now but I'll probably cry my face off when I actually leave San Diego lol. It's going to be a good move :) Plus we can finally afford a house! Hallelujah!

I've been reminiscing on all of our great memories while in San Diego, so here is just a small handful of ALL the amazing times we've had here. Sorry for the LARGE picture dump but I'm feeling sentimental :) Here we go...

Going away party

Mike's rehearsal 

Mark's 30th birthday

Fam in town- OB pier

My birthday??? I don't know lol

Sara's birthday

Coronado concert in the park

Going away party with our hosts and Goose :)

Seaport Village

The Maxwell's surprise wedding

Jen's wedding

Our going away party

Mark's 30th birthday

Disney with the Weldins

At the beach with the Maxwells

Book club

Bike day by the harbor

Surprise 30th birthday party in Temecula

Visit from my Reno besties


Harbortown for my birthday a few years ago

Sam and Kip's Wedding

Halloween :) Obvi

Canfields in town for Breyen's birthday

Dinner out with Grammie and Jeff

Michael and Tracy's wedding

New planters and our puppies :) 

Harbor cruise

Moonshine Flatts