Hey everyone! I thought I would give you a little life update since I've been so absent on my blog lately. I am trying to get back into a routine but my creative juices just aren't there at the moment.
As you know, we moved to Virginia Beach about a month ago. In that time, I have been unpacking the house and trying to get acclimated to my new home. I also started work two weeks ago at a public elementary school. This school has been a BIG change for me since I came from a very different private Christian school. To be honest, I'm having a hard time adjusting but I am working through it.
My classroom is slowly coming along piece by piece, but I need to purchase a bunch more. I'm also trying to get used to this new schedule because I am switching classes with a fellow teacher, halfway through the day. I teach language arts while she teaches math and science. So far it's pretty challenging to get used to having two different sets of kids but I'm working on it... with a few break downs here and there of course! I am missing my work wife aka Stephanie so much!
I really like Virginia Beach so far though. People love to complain how it's not as good as San Diego, but it's just different. The traffic is WAY less here and everyone seems to be going at a slower pace. It also helps that the highway is only 55 mph here haha. There are great restaurants and the people are so friendly. Of course, I miss MY people in San Diego and Vegas but overall it's awesome here. I'm also so excited for it to
not be crazy humid any more and to stop raining lol. I think I was so naive to hurricanes and all the weather issues that go on here. I didn't even realize they had a "hurricane season" in Virginia Beach... I'm dumb lol. Obviously, watching everything in Texas, I am much more aware of the dangers and worried about my friends and family in Florida too. Praying Irma doesn't come here as well!
I'm looking forward to exploring the area more and being able to have a
real fall. Although the native Virginia Beach people keep saying that fall doesn't exist here any more. I'm going to ignore them haha. I can't wait to explore the cities and states around Virginia Beach because I know there is so much history here and things I haven't seen before. I'm hoping Mark's schedule will slow down soon so we can explore together!
Being on the east coast is hard when it comes to traveling though. I really understand the pain of those friends and family members who have flown out for a west coast wedding or holiday. Holy moly it's hard to schedule those return flights without traveling ALL day haha. I will get used to it I'm sure. We already have some family coming to see us at the end of October and I am thrilled!!!! Bring on the guests, although our house is still not fully put together. I'm excited to show you guys more pictures as we make more progress on the house. Some things were put to the wayside this week since we had to replace our water heater. Ugh, being a homeowner sucks lol.
Mark is working on a fence to keep the puppies from escaping :) |
I hope you guys all have a great weekend! Praying that Irma stops in its tracks and leaves the U.S. alone. If you're evacuating, know that we are praying for your safety!!