Hey everyone! As most of you know, we recently moved to Virginia and I have been hard at work decorating our new house. It's going to be a long process because the new place is significantly larger than our last home and we need a TON of furniture.
One room that is seriously lacking is the master bedroom. It's a pretty good size room but it's kind of long, which is different. We also upgraded to a king sized mattress when we moved here and haven't purchased a bed yet. The dogs LOVE the floor bed lol. The headboard has been purchased though and just arrived. YAY! Now we need a frame and box spring and we are good to go.
The room desperatley needs to be painted because it's a terrible yellowy white (it's not showing up in the pics but trust me, it's bad) and the wood trim has to go. The previous owners had started painting all the trim white but didn't finish the upstairs. It will look much better a crisp white. Now for the rest of the room, we are still debating on colors. Why is it so hard to pick one??? I think it's because of our bedding. It has a lot going on, so you don't want anything that will clash. I would actually love crisp white bedding but our little fur babies sleep with us and LOVE to track in mud and dirt from outside. Maybe I can convince Mark it's a good idea though. :)
Our furniture is a little beat up from three moves but at the moment we aren't in the market for new dressers. I think I can make them look better with some added decor to distract from them haha. I'm also thinking about painting them but once again, what color?? Decisions, decisions. I have quite the to-do list already so let's take a peek.
My to-do list:
1. Pick a paint color... like now.
2. Paint room and trim
3. Hang paintings above nightstands
4. Hang mirror above dresser
5. Get a new frame for the Ocean Beach picture (not shown)
6. Purchase a few items to style the dressers
7. Find a new bench for the end of the bed
8. Purchase wingback chair (or two) for room
Looking at these pictures seriously makes me cringe. I can't wait to share this transformation with you all! Six weeks sounds like a long time but Mark is gone a ton and some of the bigger things are hard to do on my own. I want to get the majority of it done in that time frame though. Check back in next week to hear some updates! Make sure to check out the official blogs doing the One Room Challenge on the Calling It Home website. There are always the most gorgeous results from the official participants and I will be taking notes for sure. A lot of the time they work with some great designers and companies. I'm not that lucky but one day maybe I will be :)
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