30 October 2017

Weekend Recap {Halloween & Projects}

Hey everyone! I hope you all have a great weekend and did something spooky and fun in celebration of Halloween. We went out to a local bar for their Halloween party and it was a blast. We decided to dress up as Forrest Gump and Jenny this year. The outfit was super easy to pull together because we had almost everything in our closet. We just purchased Mark's bubba Gump hat, a ping pong paddle (only $3 at Walmart!) and I purchase a few items to make my head band. Easy!

His ping pong paddle was a huge hit!

at the gender reveal

The rest of the weekend was spent at a friend's gender reveal party and working on the house. Our friends are having a boy... congrats! So exciting! As far as our projects go, we got a ton done. We (well mostly Mark) finished the dining room table. I am so dang excited with how it turned out!! Mark is pretty amazing and can look at most anything and make it happen. I picked out the color of the stain and then stained the base and bench. He did much more work than me lol but I'll claim my portion! It looks great in our dining room and every time I catch a glimpse of it I smile. I feel like we are real grown-ups and can finally have people over for a meal! Who wants to be our first dinner guests??

a close-up of the bench and a cute doogie in the background

I love the rustic look of the tabletop!

Mark found the table legs on Amazon. Love them so much!


I have been waiting to bust out this centerpiece I got at Kirkland's during their blowout Fall sale. I am missing a candle still but it will do for now. Also, I couldn't find a table runner that I liked so I used a blanket lol. I like how it turned out though! Kinda looks like a scarf from this angle...

Mark also worked on our shiplap wall for our bedroom. Now all that's left is paint which we should get done this week. You'll have to check out my One Room Challenge post on Thursday to see pics of the completed wall :)

It was a great weekend and so fun to have two full days together. That never happens! I hope you all had a great Monday and can't wait to see adorable pics of your little ones on Halloween.

...and because they are just the cutest, two more pics!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute doggie! Your dining room table looks nice. Love the Halloween costumes.
