10 October 2017

Weekend Recap {R+F Convention 2017}

Good morning everyone! I meant to get my weekend recap up and ready to go yesterday but I was exhausted from my weekend spent in Vegas. I was there with Rodan+ Fields for their annual convention.  It was soooo much fun but I'm on the struggle bus with the lack of sleep lol. I will survive but it's going to be a hectic week.

I landed in Vegas super late on Wednesday night and went right to bed after chatting with the girls for a bit at the hotel. I knew it was going to be an early morning with our first event starting at 8. I was able to see my mom that morning because she joined me in business a few months ago. So fun to do business with the people you love!

Military spouses

 I was so excited to just hug my mom, especially after everything that happened in Vegas last weekend. I knew my family and friends were okay but being there and getting the chance to see them in person made me feel better.  I'm still trying to process what happened and my thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected. It was very sobering to see the festival area and the 58 crosses for the people who died. It is truly amazing how the city has rallied around each other to provide support for the victims and their families. Just beautiful and proof that there is so much good in this world! I was also super impressed with all the support from R+F as well. They had signs put up all around the convention and even opened up the event with a moment of silence for the city. The consultants and company also raised money to support the victims and their families as well. LOVE this!

I love meeting these ladies face to face!

I don't even know how to accuratley put into words the experience I had this past weekend. I spent time with some dear friends, most of which I never would have met if it wasn't for this business. I was able to learn all about the incredible innovations that the company is developing and let me tell ya, you're going to be blown away. I LOVE the new products so far and I seriously don't know how they develop more and more phenomenal products. I felt poured into by the company leaders and home office staff. They truly believe in us and want each of us to succeed in whatever we want out of this business. Such an incredible feeling!

The weekend was a total blast and I was able to see most of my fam (minus Dylan) and my brother in law and mother in law too. We went out for Brittany's birthday and had a great time listening to some live country music. Nothing better!

the Gala

Convention is in New Orleans next year! Can't wait!!

Now that I am home it's time to buckle down for this crazy week. I am ready to dive deep into my business though and I am so grateful for this experience. I miss my R+F girls already!

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