Happy New Year everyone! I seriously can't believe 2017 is over and we are starting a new year. What a crazy whirlwind it was for us! I know that 2017 was tough for a lot of people and honestly it was a big year of change for us too. Most of the change was great but also pretty hard at the same time. Writing these year in review posts really helps to put things in perspective and reminds me of all the incredible people I have in my life. So thankful and grateful for all of you!
30th Birthday Surprise in Temecula
I celebrated my 30th birthday this year and Mark and my mom did an AMAZING job of surprising me in Temecula. I was surrounded by good friends and family. The perfect weekend!
I met Mark halfway across the country on his drive out to Virginia Beach. We stopped in Nashville and had an incredible time exploring the city. Going to the Opry was one of the best parts of the trip! Also, this was the last time we would see each other for 3 months, so we soaked up every minute.
Greg & Kayla's Wedding
the best dates! |
Our bestie got married this year! Such a beautiful wedding, just missing Mark :(
Girls Trip to SD
My Reno friends came out to visit me over Memorial Day and it meant the world to me. I was so glad that they could make a trip out to my neck of the woods (or beach I guess lol) before I moved.
My Parents Last Visit to SD
My parents and Brittany came to visit this year too. So fun exploring SD one more time with them!
Chase Got Called Up!
Chase got called up to the big leagues this year and I was able to go to his first game with the Wooster side of the fam. We made the trek up to LA and it was so cool to see him out there on a big league field. Sadly, we didn't get to see him play that day but it was so neat to just be there.
We watched Chase's major league debut while Mark was home for the week. Needless to say we were pretty darn excited!!
Going Away Parties
Our friends Emily and James threw a going away party for us. So sad to say goodbye to these wonderful people! I got so lucky with my group of friends!
During my last week in Vegas, Katie and Lauren threw me a going away party too. I was terrible at taking pictures that night but their decorations were so cute! Two going away parties... I am a lucky girl!
5 Year Anniversary/ Moving
Mark had a week to come back to SD and get the house ready to move. It just happened to fall on our 5 year anniversary which we were stoked to be together but bummed to be spending the whole time at our house with the movers haha.
Trip to Des Moines
I've worn this dress a ton this year lol |
I spent a few days with my mom's side of the family in Iowa this summer for my uncle's wedding. We danced, drank, and ate a ton of food. Miss them all!
Cross- Country Road Trip
My mom and I drove from Nevada to Virginia Beach together. It was a loooong week of driving but we managed to have a lot of fun, especially in Nashville! We made some other interesting stops along the way and I'll cherish these memories forever.
Move to Virginia Beach/ Buying a home
We finally made it to Virginia Beach! The next day, Mark and I closed on our first home. Such a crazy whirlwind but sooo exciting! We bought the house without ever stepping foot in it ourselves since Mark was away working and I was in Vegas. Our realtor, Sandra, really helped us a ton to make sure this was the right place for us.
I also started a new teaching job out here but I don't have any pics lol.
R+F Convention
I flew home to Vegas in October to attend my 2nd Rodan+ Field's convention. This time was extra special because my mom joined me!
Our First Visitors
Aunt Kathy, Uncle Mark, and Tracy were our first visitors out to VB. We played tourist for a few days but mostly just soaked up the family time.
Hosting Our First Thanksgiving
My parents, Mark's mom, and his brother, Chase all came to see us for Thanksgiving. This was our first time hosting and I have a new appreciation for my mom and all the hard work that she has done all these years hosting holidays. Whew, so much work lol!
First Christmas in Our New Home
We weren't able to travel home to Vegas for Christmas this year so the holidays were a little bittersweet. We made some new traditions, just the two of us, and spent the time with friends who were also in town. We even had a special visitor from our SD fam so it was a great time!
It was a pretty busy year for us with all the changes that have happened. I'm so lucky to have this incredible man by my side through all of it. I am SO ready for 2018 and all the great things it will bring. I'm working on my "word of the year" post so get ready for that!