27 February 2018

Weekend Recap {Are we in SD??}

I love him!

We had the most gorgeous weekend here in VA Beach. It was actually warm and made me think we were in San Diego... well kinda lol! On Friday, we had dinner with Pete and Lindsay at Gringos. We had a great time chatting and catching up, plus the margaritas were delicious! Of course, I forgot to take pictures lol... I'm the worst lately!

How cute are the Kendra Scott earrings from my mom?

On Saturday, we ran errands and finally picked up my jeep from the dealership. It has been such an ordeal to get my heat fixed but it's finally done, just in time for spring lol! Just glad to have it back. Afterwards, we went to Taste to have lunch outside. Everyone else has the same idea and it was packed. Our lunch was so yummy though!

Later on, we went to dinner for my friend's birthday. It was fun to meet her friends and to celebrate her big day. Happy Birthday Becky!
We headed over to Tj and Ashley's for dessert and to hang out. We ended up drinking a ton of wine and staying out way too late but it was a blast. I love the Virginia Beach is starting to feel more like home.

Taryn and me

Sunday was a laaaazy day and we slept in. I did manage to run a few errands, write lesson plans, and do laundry though. We headed back to TJ and Ashley's for dinner and holy moly TJ is a great cook. We had the most amazing penne all vodka. I am still full from it but so worth it! We also got to watch Chasen pitch which was so cool! Go Bugs!

We had a great weekend spent with some new friends and a few SD friends too. Now lets hurry up and get to next weekend! :)

23 February 2018

Five on Friday

It's Friday!! Hallelujah, I am so happy! This weekend is jam packed with activities but I plan to actually take pictures and will post a Weekend Recap on Monday :) As always, I have linked up with April and the other girls for a little Five on Friday.  I hope you all have a great weekend!

Little Fires Everywhere

buy it here

I finished Little Fires Everywhere last week and it was pretty good! Super different from anything that I've read lately but definitely a needed change. I loved the interactions between the characters and while it wasn't my favorite book (because I like all the scary ones lol), I liked the writing style. It's definitely something you should pick up!

Birthday fun

Look at that beard!

I celebrated my 31st birthday a few weekends ago. Mark planned a party (or should I say, fiesta?) at the house and we had a great time drinking Mexican beer and eating burritos. On Sunday, my actual birthday, we spent the day at the Waterfront and ended the night playing Mario Kart and eating pizza with friends. The perfect end to a great weekend. Thank you to this guy for making me feel so special! 

Blue Apron

We ordered Blue Apron for the first time and I was so impressed. I LOVE that everything is pre-portioned and delivered right to your home. The food was super great quality and the recipes were things that I don't normally make. I was worried about the price because it's more than what I would normally pay to make a couple meals, but I really think it's worth it. It just takes the guesswork out of dinner time and you always have everything you need. More about this in an upcoming post!

Slip-on Sneakers

buy them here

I recently got these adorable slip-on sneakers from Target and I LOVE them. I actually have the gray pair but I couldn't find them online. They go with everything and are so easy to throw on for a casual outfit or even to school. The best part is that they don't give me blisters like most slip on shoes do. I wear these no-show socks with them.

The Best Sparkling Waters

I have a love affair going with sparking water. I used to be a soda addict but stopped drinking it a few years ago while doing the Whole 30. I still crave that bubbly carbonation so sparkling waters really help. Trader Joe's has great flavors but up until recently they were only in the big bottles. I never drink them fast enough and they go flat. Well last night I found that our Trader Joe's carries a few flavors in cans now!! SO excited lol. The raspberry lime is the best! Isn't it sad that this excites me so much?

19 February 2018

Weekend Recap {Going Away Parties & Baby Showers}

They are going to freak out when we stop using the fireplace in the summer lol

Hey everyone! Long time no talk. Remember when I said I was going to be more consistent?? Well then I got sick, went to Florida for work, got sick again, and life just got crazy.  I'm back.... with only food pictures lol but at least I am here right?? I need to update you all on some house things and just our life in general but to be honest, we aren't very exciting lol. I am still trying to settle into our new home and work is still consuming my life, but with that being said, we had a great weekend!

On Friday, we had our Valentine's date at Blue Pete's in Pungo. People rave about this restaurant so we were excited to try it out. We had She Crab soup to start with and it was super delicious. It was actually so good that we were stuffed and could barely eat our entrees. :( Darnit! I had crab cakes and they were alright but definitely not the best I've ever had. Maybe we would like Blue Petes more during the day so we could see the water?? I don't know... we will have to give it a try again. Afterwards, we went back to the house to watch a movie. Fridays are so hard and I'm usually exhausted.

On Saturday, I tried out a dance bootcamp class at the gym and it kicked my butt. I was nervous to go because I'm not great at dancing but I really do love to dance. I decided to just go for it and I'm glad I did. My calves still hurt lol.

Afterwards, we had lunch at Green Flash with some friends. The weather was rainy but we still had a blast. It's always fun to be around people that make you feel so at ease!

Later on that night, we headed to a going away party for some friends out here. I just met this couple in August but I really like them and I'm so bummed to see them leave. I'm hoping that we will see them again soon! We had a great night at the party but unfortunately we went home early since I had a killer headache. I hate being a downer and leaving early but I really didn't feel well.

On Sunday morning, we went to a baby shower at Waterman's on the oceanfront. It was such a beautiful day even though it was on the colder side. We were there most of the day and loved sitting on the patio with friends.  I left while Mark was still hanging out with the guys because I had a long list of things to do since I had work today while most people had it off. Darn snow make-up days!! I was able to accomplish everything on my list and start my week off on the right foot. I hope you all had a great long weekend :)

13 February 2018

10 Last Minute Valentines Date Ideas

Valentine's Day isn't that big of a deal in our household because to be honest, Mark is never here to celebrate it. Since he's here this year I thought that I should make us a fancy four course dinner but then I thought, who am I kidding.... it's on a school night lol. So we decided to order in instead, that way we get to do something a little different but we don't have to brave a restaurant on the busiest night of the year. Also, I can wear my PJs and no one will judge me lol. So if you're like us, and don't want to fight the craziness of the crowds, then here are some ideas for you...

1. Dessert to go

If you want to have something a little special but don't want to eat dinner at a restaurant, order dessert to go! It's an easy way to change up your normal Valentine's Day but won't break the bank. Plus if you have kiddos, this is something special you can do with them as well and they will think it's "fancy" and fun! Check out the unique dessert spots in your area and see if they will let you order a few hours in advance.

2. Cook dinner together

Who doesn't love spending time in the kitchen with your spouse? I do! Mark and I used to cook together our first summer living together and it was awesome! We really need to start doing that again. Anyways, plan to tackle a new dish together and share the responsibilities of prep. Turn on some romantic music, crack open a bottle of wine, and enjoy some technology free time. If all else fails, make a pizza!

3. Breakfast date

Maybe night time is crazy for you so get up extra early and have a breakfast or coffee date. You don't have to leave your house, just set the alarm 30 minutes early, brew a fresh pot of coffee, and spend the morning chatting. I am hoping we can squeeze in some time in the morning too. :)

4. Floor Picnic

If making a whole meal is overwhelming and takes too much prep, then pick up some of your favorite cheese, crackers, meat, and a bottle of wine. Take out a big blanket, some fluffy pillows, and have a floor picnic in your living room. Make sure to turn off the TV and just spend your time together. That's what this is all about.... spending time TOGETHER :) You can even order a pizza and have a floor picnic too. It's just about getting out of your regular day-to-day activities and doing something just slightly different.

5. Plan a scavenger hunt

This is something that can be done on the cheap and set up in your own home. I love the ideas of doing this with kiddos too because everyone loves a fun game that will lead you to a present. If you are doing this for a significant other, you can leave clues throughout their day and end with a fun date night or just lead them to you. Pinterest has great ideas if you need a starting place and so does Dating Divas, if you check out their website. Plus you don't have to do this tomorrow, set it up for this weekend!

6. Fondue Night

Another awesome way to spend dinner is to make a big pot of fondue. It's such a fun way to eat and once again, out of your norm. We did this a few years ago... actually it was the only other time we spent Valentine's Day together in 8 years lol. Sara if you're reading this... remember that night at our house with you and Dave?? You can do a cheese course, meat course, and dessert... or just go for the cheese, because duh, it's the best.

7. Movie Night

This is pretty basic but sometimes you just need to stop all the busyness of your week, make a big bowl of popcorn, snuggle up on the couch, and watch a favorite movie. You can surprise your spouse by choosing their favorite movie or a movie that carries meaning for your relationship. This is one of our favorite things to do and it's just a nice way to tune out all the other interruptions, because let's be real, the work week can be so busy. You can even make a floor fort which is a FAVE in the Bradford house. :) Consider buying movie theater size candy and making other yummy snacks. Who needs dinner when you have buttery popcorn??

8. Beer or Wine Tasting

Trying out a new brewery or winery is something that Mark and I both love to do but why not setup your own tasting at home? Choose some different wines or beer, brown bag them so you hide the labels, and pour some tasters. You might find your new fave beverage!

9. Exchange Cards

One of my favorite things to do is to send out and receive cards. I LOVE getting handwritten cards because there is just more thought put into them. Maybe you don't want to exchange gifts with your spouse, then exchange handwritten cards over a glass of wine or even a cup of coffee in the morning. The gesture doesn't have to be grand, it's just important that you tell your spouse how much you care about them.... all the time, not just Valentine's Day haha.

10. Take a Sunset Walk

I am a HUGE fan of taking walks by the beach, especially at sunset. There's something so relaxing and beautiful about watching the sun go down over the water. If you don't have a waterfront near you, that's okay... just take a stroll around the neighborhood or even to some place new. Being outside in nature will help you feel more connected than just hanging at your house. Plus it's free! :)