27 September 2018

Last 90 Days

Hey everyone and happy Friday! So glad the weekend is almost here... this week has been a doozy! I've been thinking a lot about something so I wanted to share it with you all. Have you heard about Rachel Hollis' Last 90 days initiative?? I am super excited about it so I decided that it's time to announce to the world that I am committing to the Last 90 days! Well not really the world... more like all 200 of you who read this blog :) lol

As we know this time of year means over indulging on food and drinks because there are parties galore and tons of reasons to eat all the sweets. It's such a busy time that it's so easy to let our health priorities go to the wayside. I have to admit that this has been a rough year for me on the health front and it's sucks (for lack of a better word) to watch myself gain so much weight. I blame my knee and all the hormones I've been on but I know I can control what I eat regardless if I am cleared to workout or not. So the Last 90 Days couldn't have come at a better time for me.

So here's the gist...

One-Wake up an hour earlier to make time for yourself. 

This one is rough for me because I already get up at 5:30 and I can't imagine getting up any earlier. I am going to set myself a more realistic goal of 30 minutes. This will give me time to journal and to do my devotionals. I have definitely let those two very important parts of my life go to the wayside.

Two- Workout for at least 30 minutes a day.

I am still in physical therapy for my knee so working out how I used to is a no-go. I am going to do my physical therapy exercises at home and walk each night though. I reeeeally miss working out but I know that my knee just can't take it right now. 

Three- Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water.

I am terrible at drinking enough water when I'm at school. All my teacher friends know that there really isn't time to use the restroom other than our prep and lunch so that makes drinking water a little tough. I just need to be more strategic about when I drink water to make sure I am staying hydrated. The amount of headaches I have had lately is ridiculous and I know it's from the lack of water. 

Four- Eliminate one food category that you shouldn't be eating.

This is a hard one for me (I've said that about each one haha) but I think it might be Starbucks. Now let me add a little "but" to this one. I will still be drinking it once a week but not almost daily like I am now. Yikes, my habit has gotten bad. This one will save me money and calories!

Five- Gratitude journal

I used to do this and it was such a good practice. Rachel Hollis says that you can't be anxious when you are in a state of gratitude and she is right. I know I need to live more in the "thankful" state than the-worry-about-everything-because-it's-not-going-according-to-my-plan state. 

So who is with me on this journey to a healthy you for the last 90 days of the year?? I think it will really help me to feel grounded during this time of craziness. If you want more info then check out the videos by Rachel Hollis that give you a little more insight and inspiration for the Last 90 Days!

Have a great day!

14 September 2018

Five on Friday {Storm Edition}

Hey everyone! I hope you've had a good week and if you are in the Carolinas I pray that you are all somewhere safe and that this storm isn't as bad as we were expecting. We seemed to luck out here because it is going around us and we are predicted to get tropical storm weather instead of a hurricane. Anyways, I thought I would share some current faves on this gloomy day.

Jack Ryan

We have been binging Jack Ryan on Amazon and LOVE it. The premise reminds me of Homeland which was a favorite of ours. If you haven't watched it yet, add it to your list!

Peachy Bloom Designs

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I started a little side business called Peachy Bloom Designs. I make wreaths, signs, door decor, etc. with felt flowers. I kind of stumbled upon this over the summer and have really LOVED it. The process of sitting down and doing something with your hands is so relaxing and mind-freeing. 

This was a custom order for a good friend. I love the shades of blue and gray!
Another custom order that can stay up year round! 

I have a couple for sale still right now but if you want to order something custom, let me know!

Dusty rose, gray, green, and cream wreath- For sale! 

White, navy blue, green, and plaid Fall sign- for sale! 

Read Read Read

Get it here

If you haven't checked out my post from yesterday, make sure you do. I shared all of the books I read over the summer. I also just finished Iron Gold which was so hard for me to get through. I loved the whole Red Rising series but I think that Iron Gold was just so different and long. I'm hoping the next book is better! I just started reading the book You by Caroline Kepnes. It just came out on TV so I wanted to read the book before I watch the show. Anyone else reading or watching it?? 

Fave TPT Account

I bought this reading response bundle and I love how organized it makes the student notebooks. Plus it comes with reading response expectations and choice board for their notebooks!

How cute it her classroom?? 

I have been a HUGE TPT (Teachers Pay Teachers) fan for years because it makes my life easier to not recreate the wheel when someone else has already done it. This year I found Ashley from Teach Create Motivate on Instagram and have loved seeing her ideas and buying her materials to add to my classroom. I don't even want to know what I have spent on her site this year :( but it's worth every penny to make my life easier. 

Someone on FB yesterday was arguing about how she doesn't understand why teachers say they buy materials when she has an extensive supply list she has to buy for her kids' classes. I about died reading that because it's just ignorant. If you follow me on Instagram you saw just a tiny amount of what I purchased and spent time creating over the summer. TPT is another example of how I use my own money to enhance my lessons to make my class more engaging and rigorous for the students. Rant over, just frustrated reading that. :) Go check out Ashley at Teach Create Motivate and find her on Instagram too. 

He's Home

I saved the best for last! Mark surprised me a couple weeks ago and came home early from deployment. I was VERY shocked but so happy to have my best friend back. I am very independent and can handle life on my own but at the same time there is nothing better then spending time with the person you love. It's been amazing to have him home. So grateful for the timing too! 

13 September 2018

What I've Read During Summer 2018

The summer is officially over for us teachers, cue the tiny violin lol.  It's crazy how fast it flies by each year. I was able to soak up a ton of reading time this summer so I wanted to share with you the books I read and a little snippet of what I thought about each. I'll try to keep it really brief so I don't give anything away. :)

The Perfect Couple by Elin Hildebrand

Elin Hilderbrand never disappoints! This book combined my love for Nantucket and a little bit of mystery. The story line was interesting and kept me wanting more. I highly recommend it for the last few weeks of official summer. 

The High Tide Club by Mary Kay Andrews

Love this one! Mary Kay Andrews' books are what I normally consider "fluff" and I say that with kindness because I LOVE them. I just don't usually think they are very complex. This one on the other hand had a great story line. Loved it!

An American Marriage by Tayari Jones

We read this in book club this summer and it was a favorite amongst everyone there. The author really worked to bring the characters to life and the writing was absolutely beautiful. I felt the storyline was a little lacking when it comes to action but you have to remember that I like thrillers or really sappy love stories. This wasn't either of those. I would still recommend it even though it wasn't my top fave of the summer. 

The Favorite Sister by Jessica Knoll

Now if you are looking for drama then this is the book for you. It's jam packed with back-stabbing, betrayal, and even murder. I really didn't like Jessica Knoll's previous book Luckiest Girl Alive but this one was much better! It was an easy read and kept you wanting more. Loved it! 

The Family Next Door by Sally Hepworth

This book was not what I was expecting but in a good way! I couldn't put it down and I read it pretty quickly. Hepworth does an excellent job of pulling you into the lives of each character and the storyline dips and weaves entangling each one. If you like Liane Moriarty books then I think you will like this too. Their style of writing is very similar. 

The French Girl by Lexille Elliott

I really wanted to like this book because I heard so many great things. It just wasn't my favorite though.  The characters frustrated me and I didn't really understand their friendships or what made them tick. I kept reading because I just wanted to know how the girl died but it took forever to get to that point. The reviews are pretty high for this book so maybe it was just me lol.

Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris

The premise with this book was just so strange. I LOVE B.A. Paris but this one was just a miss. It seemed so far-fetched and unlikely to happen. If you want a great thriller than read B.A. Paris' book called Behind Closed Doors. It's suuuuper creepy but so good! 

Legendary by Stephanie Garber

Now this is a very different category of book than what I normally read. It falls under the young adult and fantasy categories which is not normally my jam, but there is something about Caraval (the first book) that left me wanting more. I pre-ordered this one and I was sooo excited to get it. The book is set in a magical world that is filled with love, betrayal, and mystery, who doesn't love that right?? The characters are all players in a game and you're unsure of what is real or what is part of the fun. I loved the strong female characters and the love story was pretty adorable too. If you haven't read Caraval, read that first. 

The Wild Card by Hope and Wade King

This is for all my teacher friends out there. I have been following both Hope and Wade King on Instagram for awhile and I knew I wanted to read their book when I had some time this summer. Engagement is something that is constantly evolving in the classroom especially with each new group  of students that comes in. I love their ideas for letting passion really shine through what you do and they give practical ways to be more engaging. Now I want to get their monthly subscription to Set the Stage to Engage so I can see what else they have up their sleeves. Loved this book!  

The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware

I had such high hopes for this book but the plot was just really strange. I felt like I couldn't connect with the characters and I was confused by their motivations and the decisions they were making. Ruth Ware is an excellent writer but this was just a miss for me. 

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Reid Jenkins

I LOVED this book! We are actually reading it this month for book club but I finished it a couple months ago. The book follows Evelyn Hugo, an actress who has a very Marilyn Monroe vibe to her. She is a climber and will do what it takes to be successful which sometimes means hurting those around her. This book has an air of mystery to it that will keep you interested until the very end. It has a lot of surprising twists and turns and I can't recommend it enough!

How to Walk Away by Katherine Center

One of my favorite books of the summer! I loved the story of how Margaret persevered in what seemed to be a very dismal circumstance. The characters were very relatable and made you instantly want to be their friends. Overall the book was heartbreaking but also contained so much joy and resilience. Loved it!

09 August 2018

Five on Friday (Summer Edition)

Hey everyone! Long time no talk :) I have been a crafting and school prep machine and have really been focusing my time on both those areas. It's nice to de-stress and do something like crafting because my mind can go blank and I can just work. The school prep stuff is a mixture of excitement (to find new things) but also some anxiety because I have SO much to do. I'm trying to keep all that to a minimum though! :)

Eastern Shore

This past weekend I went to the Eastern Shore to visit my friend's hometown and to go to a boat docking event. I had a blast checking out a new part of Virginia that I've never been to and the views were pretty incredible! 

Beneath a Scarlet Sky

Less than $6 on Amazon right now!

I just recently read Beneath a Scarlet Sky and LOVED it! As most of you know, I love to read anything about WWII but I don't think I've ever read a book set during that time period in Italy. The story is so interesting but obviously heartbreaking. It's based on a real account of what happened during this tragic time. Such a good book!

Felt Flower Crazy

I recently learned how to make felt flowers and I can't get enough. They are so fun and I love the different textures that they bring to a sign or wreath. I've sold a few already and I keep making more because it's been such a good way to de-stress. I even ordered some boxes that fit a little better and will hopefully bring shipping costs down. Let me know if you want one and I can custom it to the colors you want as well!

Loft Love

See it here

I LOVE the Loft and I always find cute things there. Recently I popped in because they were having a 40% off sale on their tops. I saw this striped open cardigan and fell in love. I know that stripes aren't the most flattering but it's so comfy and will be cute to throw on for school. Not for awhile since it's still in the 100s here ;( I'll just wear it inside where there is AC ha!

Best Find

Get it here

Teacher friends, this one is for you! I bought this laminator during the Prime Day sale and it is my favorite purchase of the summer! I know that sounds dramatic but it's been so awesome. It's next to impossible to get things laminated at my school so I end up having the students use the materials without it and then they get ruined. Such a bummer. So far I have laminated a ton of task cards and game pieces for this year and I am sooo excited to get ahead! I even had to purchase another pack of laminating sheets because I used the first 100 already.  It's not on sale right now but keep your eye out  and hopefully the price will go down. 

Have a great weekend! 

27 July 2018

Trip to Vegas & SD

I just got back from a two week trip to Vegas and SD. I had a blast seeing family and friends and the time spent there flew by! I hadn't been home in a year which is the longest I've ever been away. These coast to coast trips are no joke! I also flew with the pups for the first time. It was interesting to say the least but the pups did very well. Not sure that I will be bringing them on any trips in the near future though.

The trip was too long to go over every moment but I'll include some fave pictures :)

My parents had a BBQ for me the first night I was home. It was nice to see some of my fave people and spend some quality time together. Katie and I took a picture but unfortunately I was wearing the most unflattering top so I won't be posting that pic lol. Sorry Katie!

On Wednesday, my MIL and I flew to SD so we could head up to Anaheim for Chase's games. We had a fun crew there both nights. So fun!!

The rest of the weekend was spent eating at all the places I missed, shopping (lots!!), hanging out with my girlfriends, and spending time with extended family. I also got to meet baby Jackson for the first time and he is adorable!!

I flew back to Vegas on Monday and spent the week relaxing with my parents. I hung out with Katie and Breyen a few nights and one of them ended with us watching the lightning from Breyen's office. We took so many pictures with a "scary face" but I was the only person who actually looked scary lol.

Before I left we celebrated my mom's birthday with a yummy Mexican dinner and a trip to the spa! Such a fun time!

I had the best time being home. This has been a pretty tough year for me so it was nice to feel comfortable in my own skin again. I'm learning to like Virginia more and more but there's nothing quite like home :) I hope it's not a full year before we can visit again!

20 July 2018

Five on Friday: Summer Edition

Hey everyone, Happy Friday! Today I'm sharing some current faves with you guys. As you can tell from my last few posts I have been on a shopping spree lately :) I blame Mark because when he's gone I like to shop hah! Kidding, kidding!

San Dog

I was in San Diego this past weekend and had the best time! I promise I will post more about that next week in a full recap of my trip. I miss my girlfriends so much but I'm so thankful for the time we had together.

Fave Book


What would a Five on Friday be without a book recommendation?? I loved the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. My friend Kayla recommended it and I flew through the book. It's an easy read but keeps you wanting more until the very end. 

New Sneaks


I picked up these sneakers while I was in San Diego and I really like them. I'm super weird about wearing tennis shoes with jeans but I will make an exception when they look cute (and not like work out shoes) and I'm not actually wearing them to work out lol. This lilac color is perfect because it's more of a blush and very neutral. I see myself wearing these a ton to school this year, especially this fall. 

Amazon Steal


Buying bathing suits is one of my least favorite things to do. :( NOT FUN! But when I see a good deal, I jump at it! This was not apart of Prime Day but one of my fave bloggers posted about it and I decided to give it a try. I purchased a large in this off the shoulder tropical version and it fits perfectly.   It sucks you in without feeling tight and uncomfortable and the off the shoulder and ruffle detail draws the eye up, which I'm a huge fan of :) 

The white with the palm fronds is my fave but I was skeptical about how this inexpensive white suit would hold up when you get it wet. So that's why I opted for the darker color. I paid $13 for this suit and now it's currently $14.99, still crazy reasonable and worth the try! 

 Mini Travel Regimens

You guys know how much I love my R+F products so I have to share this amazing deal going on right now. One of my most frequently asked questions (when it comes to R+F) is do they have a travel sized version? Sadly, we don't sell them but every now and then they will release the mini travel sizes in some kind of promotion. I have had several of the Redefine travel regimens and they last me forever which is crazy because they are small (and TSA approved!). Well right now you can get any of the four regimens in travel size when you purchase a full sized regimen. Such a steal! If you have thought about trying out some new skincare, let's chat about what could work for you.

Here is the link to the solution tool. It takes less than a minute to complete and can help narrow down some skincare options that are specific to your needs. I'm giving away a few free Microdermabrasion paste packets (one of my fave products!) for anyone who completes the solution tool today. Just comment below with your results, or comment on FB or Instagram and I'll enter you to win! 

17 July 2018

Nordstrom Sale Picks 2018

It's a shopping kind of week! I posted about my Prime Day picks yesterday so if you're reading this within the sale window then head to that post and check it out too.

Last weekend I was in San Diego visiting family and friends and we had the most perfect girls day with a coffee date, brunch, and shopping! We hit up the Nordstrom sale which was so fun because 1. I love shopping with my friends and 2. I really hate buying clothes online. I just like to see how it will fit because I feel like sizes aren't consistent even within the same brand. I found sooo many good items but tried to restrain myself... key word, tried!

Get it here

This Barefoot Dreams Circle Cardigan has been on my wish list for two years now. I have the hooded one and LOVE it but wanted one that can be worn out of the house too. Plus this oatmeal color (stone is the official name) is just perfect. I might save this for a Christmas gift... if I can restrain myself lol! It's currently backordered so we will see when it actually arrives.

Get them here
The High Waisted Zella Live In Leggings are a must! I'm not a very big "leggings as pants" person but I will wear these under dresses in the fall and winter. I have a pair that I wore the heck out of last year and they are still in great condition. Never hurts to have a backup though right?

Get it here
I have this same Zella tee in green and I love it! It's super easy to throw on to run errands but I can work out in it too. This color is Purple Moss which looks like a very light purple/ blush in person. It's different but I love it! I saw a lot of this color at the sale.

Buy them here

I seem to get a pair of ankle boots each year at this sale and this year I was on the hunt for a blueish gray. I have a couple tan booties and a pair of black booties too. This pair immediately caught my eye especially because they are Sam Edelman which are normally so comfy. I ended up ordering these online the next day because I have a Nordstrom Note that encouraged me buy them lol. I will let you know about sizing and if I keep them! This specific color is called Stone Blue Suede.

Get it here

And last but not least, who doesn't love a good plaid?? People rave about the Rail plaid shirts but they are just too expensive, so when I saw this B.P. version I was sold! They are so comfy and cute. They are very oversized so you might want to size down. I usually wear a large and I purchased a medium. I really want the green version too but they didn't have my size.

Happy shopping!!